Chapter 24 - The Beating Heart.

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As promised I have dedicated this to the 2000th voter, SleepWalker. 😘

Thank you all for voting and coming. I'm super duper surprised at how much people like this. Next chapter will be online soon. keep an eye out, bubs.


That's the best I honestly could do, i swear she was meant to be hotter. like drooling, sizzeling hot. haha. Sexual! XD

anyway, This is chapter 24!




Walking down the street of Manhattan Marcus saw people that he didn't even know stare at him. Some narrow their eyes suspiciously at him and other snickered. He knew why people kept glaring at him, after all he'd been on the news more times than he'd liked in the past month. Street-side news venders sold newspapers that had unflattering pictures of him on the front with bold text on top asking the public questions they didn't have any business asking. His life was on display for the world to see. Of course there was a time in Marcus' life when he had wondered what it would feel like to be on the cover of a magazine or even be in a news paper. He had never anticipated on his silent wish coming true. Now he knew what it felt like. It was not a good feeling. People either knew too much or knew too little, either way they made assumptions. Why did people care so much? Was it the gossip that intrigued them or was it because it was Julian Dalton, the last person anyone expected to be gay? Marcus didn't know, and he certainly didn't appreciate papers publishing bogus stories about him, and his 'Deadly Secret Affair' with Julian Dalton, as they called it. They knew nothing!

Nothing at all!

It had been a month since the incident. He chose not to think about what had happened, but every time he saw a news headline that had anything to do with them or the ongoing case it would bring back the memories he desperately tried to conceal. He shook his head, dispelling the thoughts and walked into his apartment building where he was sure to run into Craig.

Marcus knew why Craig insisted on hanging around and Marcus didn't particularly dislike having Craig around. The boy was entertaining, capricious and very stereotypically gay. Somehow he made Marcus feel slightly better. Marcus was barely holding on. He'd missed work for a month, it was very suspicious and after the media got a hold of the news he was sure people at work probably knew more than he would have wanted them to. So his solution: using his accumulated vacation credits and avoiding work. Besides his partner, Dorian, was in jail.

Family was another issued he didn't have any interest in dealing with, especially since the news got out. They had blown up in his face about him keeping secrets. What surprised Marcus was their complete lack of interest in his sexuality all together. Apparently they had no problem with him being gay or pansexual, which ever.

At one point his mother had turned to him and said, "I had my suspicions about you, honey." While pointing at what he wore. He was just stunned and speechless, to say the least.

His sister however was another story. "Yaoi is f8cking hot!" She'd exclaimed at one point, and had proceeded to show him pictures of men kissing, groping and doing things that made his skin heat up. He couldn't look at his sister the same way ever again. She gushed and cooed over pictures of Julian she'd found in news articles and magazines and wouldn't stop talking about how 'hot' he was and how they 'totally belonged together'. This only added to the depression that had begun to build inside Marcus.

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