11. password

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I ran down the stairs and out of the building. The boys were running around moving things all to the homestead.

"Thomas!" I looked to see Minho who ran by me. "Let's go! Newt wants to see you!" I followed. Running fast, I met with Newt in front of the homestead.

"We have to set everyone up in the homestead. It'll be crammed but it'll have to work. We'll take down other buildings- use the walls to double up."

"That'll never work," Minho said approaching with Alby.

"Newt's right," he said. "That's our best option."

"Glad to see you up and kickin'," Newt smiled. "Tommy, round up the builders and anyone with empty hands. Get em' workin' on the homestead. Minho, gather all the food and supplies we have to spare and if any of you see Chuck, ask him to ask around for Gally. He's still on the lose with a klunked up head."

"Got it," Minho and I said before parting ways.


Newt and Alby appeared as I opened my eyes from an unpleasant slumber. I was surprised to see Alby there. It'd been awhile since I seen him up, or at least that's what it felt like.

"Good to see ya' kid." He sat patting his hand near my foot. "Heard you took a beating."

"She's been taking beatings every day since she got here," Newt sighed. I gave a silent chuckle.

"Newt, Alby, can you give us a minute?" Minho asked while taking a seat, placing his elbow on his knees. They nodded before leaving the room and closing the door behind them. "Why didn't you say anything, kid?"

I shrugged, wishing I could explain myself. It was a bad move, I could've been treated earlier on, had I shown anyone. I looked down at my ankle, tears starting to fill my eyes. I wiped them away before Minho could notice.

He rubbed his hands together as if they were warming up over a fire and licked his lips before speaking again, "You know what's gotta happen right?" He paused. "We're never gonna be able to get you out of here with us and we can't stay as long as you need. I'm not saying we're gonna leave you here but," His voice trailed off. I nodded, understanding I had no options. "Newt likes you though, a lot, and I know he won't leave you." I shook my head, closing my eyes tight. I didn't want to face the truth. I knew I couldn't get out on my ankle, the rib was no problem, just a bit painful. But Minho asking me to give up, it just didn't feel right. I narrowed my eyes at him. Wanting to ask what Gally had on him but only nodded. Minho stood up, ready to leave.

I tugged his arm and pointed to the name carved into the door, Newt. I'd seen it before but wondered why it was there. Could this have been his old room? Or was he a patient?

"Yeah, this used to be Newt's room." I tilted my head in confusion. "He, he uh, should probably tell you himself." I shook my head no. He closed his eyes tight before facing me again. "Newt was having a tough time in the glade. He felt lost and hopeless so," he paused. "He climbed halfway up the vines on the wall and jumped off." My heart nearly stopped. "If we hadn't gotten to him in time," His voice trailed off. "Let's just say he wouldn't be leading us today. Get better kid." With that, he left.

My mind raced, I'd never even considered Newt to have a dark secret like that. He seemed fine. I mean, I'd always noticed his limp but I thought that was from escaping the Grievers.

My thoughts were interrupted when a noise erupted from just outside my room. Two guys were shouting at each other.

"She needs to rest!"

"Newt said we have to move everyone into the homestead!"

"That girl is not walking so you better build a stretcher! Talk to me about moving her then!" It was Clint yelling. He was always a good person. I felt bad for the poor guy he was yelling at, only following orders. I wanted to yell for Clint and tell him I'd be okay but I nearly forgot I couldn't talk.

I lifted my shirt to look at the bruising. It seemed to look better. It was a beautiful array of colors. Green, dark blue, purple, all mixed yet separated. It reminded me of the night sky, missing all its stars.

"You alright?" Newt asked interrupting my thoughts. He entered the small room and stood by my stomach. "We've got to move you, can you stand?" I sat up, ignoring the pain in my abdomen and hung my legs off the bed. That was when I realized I was only in my t-shirt and short spandex. Newt's face went red as he turned around to give me space. I pulled him around and nodded, swatting my hand meaning it was fine. It was no secret I was a girl and I wasn't embarrassed about the way I looked.

I rested my good foot on the ground, feeling the cold metal under my toes. I went to place the other foot down only to feel pain shoot through my ankle. I shook my head no and looked down, ashamed I didn't stop Gally.

"Hey, hey," Newt said lifting my head. "Its fine, that's okay. Minho's making crutches for you now." I nodded looking for my pants and my jacket. They rested, neatly folded, on the small table across the room. Newt grabbed them for me, placing them on the bed before leaving the room. I slipped my jeans on, careful of my ankle, and then slid on my jacket. After sitting for a minute, Minho appeared, a pair of wooden crutches in hand. He stitched rag around the upper part for comfort and I smiled at him as if thanking him. He nodded. 

"Try em' out, shank." He finally said after I put a boot on my good foot and slowly slid on the second one. I stood up on it and grasped the crutches before I fell. I tested them out a bit, in the small room, and they did the job. "Okay, second order of business, finding our way out of this klunky maze." I turned my head in confusion. "Thomas figured out the different sections of the maze were creating words. Almost like a password. Craziest shank I ever met. He thinks the way out is off the cliff where the grievers jump." I nodded, in excitement. They were finally figuring it out. Not only that, but they found their own way.

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