2o. storm

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Most of us couldn't sleep. Winston's eyes stayed glued shut and everyone stayed silent. Choppers flew overhead a few times and when they did, no one moved. The boy closest to the exit, covered up the entrance by setting down a bag and hanging a shirt over it. Light shown in from the sides where Fry stared. He had trouble looking at Winston's condition. Most of us did. Newt's eyes were shut but he wasn't sleeping, he was trying but it was clear it wouldn't happen. I tapped his side with my shoe and smiled at him when he peeled his eyes open. "Can't sleep either?" He whispered. I shook my head no. "I hope the other's are safe," he sighed, switching sides to lay on.


Yeah, safe.

With one stressor out of the way, I tried again to close my eyes and sleep. I got so close until I heard a loud roar. One belonging to a vehicle. Everyone else was up, eyes wide open and all focused on the entrance of the pipe. Frypan covered Winston's mouth as he moaned in pain. Blood was spreading over his bandage. Boots marched around, forming a little tune, reminding me of music.

Wicked's here.

They found you?

Not yet. You?

Not yet.

The last response, I knew was Thomas.

Winston's bleeding through. He might give us away.

Tell him to hold on.

We might have to put him out of his misery. We can't carry him around out here and he's in so much pain.

Do what you gotta.

Aris's words repeated in my head a few times before I could render them in.

Newt looked at me, a look in his eye glimmered in the little light that we had. I looked to Winston and pulled a knife out of my boot. He nodded, holding his hand out to take it. I eyed him but eventually gave up, handing him the blade. Frypan watched it pass and moved over so Newt could reach Winston.

"Do it," Winston shakily whispered. "I'm turning into one of them." He put his hand in the light, revealing dark veins spreading across his hand. "I'm ready," he winced and then opened his mouth to scream but I covered it as quickly as I could. Newt slowly put it to Winston's neck, preparing to slit his throat. He hesitated, doing nothing for several minutes. I grabbed the knife from him with my free hand and did it as Winston's last screams were muffled till they stopped. Newt stared at his now dead friend. A tear in his eye. I placed fingers over Winston's open eyelids and slid them shut, wiping the knife on his shirt and sliding it back into the folds of my boot.

He's gone.

It felt like hours before there'd been no noise from the outside. We sat, scrunched up, the entire day. We all fell asleep waiting to hear any type of sound. A boy at the end of the tunnel was the first to wake, he greeted me with a wave when I finally woke. The sky appeared as if the sun had just set. I shoved Newt awake. Everyone's attention went to Winston. His body laid still.

Seconds later, we heard boots again, this time closer and faster. We all held our breath, waiting to be spotted.

"Guys," Minho shouted, pushing the bag down and popping his head into the entrance of the tunnel. Newt jumped, hitting his head on the top of the pipe. He only growled. "They're gone, lets go," Minho's voice faded as he could barely make out Winston's cold, lifeless body. The first few boys exited, helping Minho grab Winston's feet and pull him out, allowing us all to exit. We all stretched. I was so tired of sitting.

Everyone worked together to put Winston's body back in the pipe so that Wicked wouldn't find him. The Glader's were grieving, moving slow. Aris and I could only feel sympathy.

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