14. unfinished business

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Gladers ran around, the sun now shining, the dead heat returning. Newt sighed, dreading the moment the sun would fall. We sat in the map room surrounded by the Gladers who sat around patiently to hear a plan.

We knew the words- the code. We knew where to go- the cliff. We knew not many would make it.

Newt kept looking at me like it'd be the last time. No one smiled or laughed and with those doors still open it felt like no one ever would.

Minho was still acting strangely. It reminded me of the beef between Newt, Gally, and Ben but they were both gone so there was no way they could be involved. That is unless there was a third partner.

"Nina, can we talk?" Minho asked, approaching while I sat still on a cot. I nodded before following him to the edge of the forest and sitting back down. "Listen, we can't keep waiting for you to get better. It's been, what, three days? Newt is set on getting out with you." I looked down at the ground, wondering what, whoever, had on him. "But I've been thinking," he started. "Wicked didn't let you come in here. If they had you would've come from the box. You were running weren't you?" He asked. "From Wicked?" I nodded. "If you went back, they'd kill you?" I shrugged, unsure. Then I thought to Thomas, wondering if he'd seen something.

Have you seen Minho talking with anyone. . . weird?

What d- mean by weird? Telepath weird?

Anyone suspicious?

Minho began to ramble on about his ideas for leaving me behind, hiding me, with food and water, till I got better. He wouldn't stop.

There is one guy. Seems to be an off and on fight every time.


I don't know, I'll find him. Meet- washrooms?

Edge of the forest


"I don't know if you'd be safe there either. Are you even listening?" I shook my head no. He sighed and stood up. "I'll talk to Newt again." With that, he left and I stayed, not wanting to burn the pits of my arms with the godawful crutches.

Soon I spotted him, leading someone towards us. He was a tall, pudgy boy, with dark, long hair. He wore cargo shorts with a light shirt and carried a machete on his belt. A slicer.

He thinks we're getting wood.

Thomas could only talk to me by squinting his eyes and focusing really hard. It was cute the way he scrunched up his face, trying so much harder than necessary.

I could only wonder what he'd done to be sent here. He worked for Wicked. He was one of Ava's favorites- no one really knows why. After all, he might be my brother, and now, thinking about it, he could be the kids I saw in my dream, so I should've been looking into him more than I already was.

"Angelina, this is Wyck." He gave a small wave before slightly rolling his eyes.

Take his knife.

I ordered Thomas. He looked at me strangely, tilting his head in a way of question. I nodded before he asked to borrow it. The kid eyed him but saw a branch in front of Thomas and figured that's why he wanted it. He handed it over and Thomas passed it to me before grabbing him by the shirt and pushing him onto the tree.

Ask him what he has on Minho.

"Thomas! What the hell?" He growled, trying to push him off. I stood beside him, while Wyck's eyes darted between him and the knife in my hand.

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