2. meeting

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Newt led me to a big building. I clung to my backpack's straps as guys stared at me while I passed. Lots of them whistled, others winked, and some just mumbled under their breath. The words they spoke were mostly curses that I didn't understand. I knew shank because Minho explained why it was his favorite but there was klunk, good that, and jacked. None of it made any sense.

While taking in my surroundings Newt stopped at a door and opened it for me.

"This will be your room till we figure things out." Inside there was a bed and a table. A little window sat over the bed. There was no glass, just wooden bars. I nodded as if saying thank you and walked in. "It's not much but it's an upgrade from tree branches." He laughed to himself. His laugh was cute. His little nose scrunched up and his eyes got small. He looked like he hadn't laughed in a while. I couldn't help but smile at him. "If you need anything, my rooms down the hall. Night, Monkey." He said while closing the door. I heard him announcing something to the other boys so I peeked back out. "If any of you shanks are caught trying to do anything funny to her and I mean anything, you will be sent straight to the slammer. Am I clear?" They mumbled in response. "Am I clear?!" He said in between syllables.

"Good that," They said back. Some of them added shuckface to the end of it but he didn't seem to care.

After a while of looking out the window and watching people walk around I saw Ben. He was talking to a kid with high raised eyebrows and freckles. I swiped through the tablet looking for his name. Gally.

"They found the girl and she's here in the camp, right now?" Gally asked.

"Yeah, I saw her with Newt."

"Why didn't you finish the job?"

"Because she came out of nowhere! I don't think Newt said anything though so don't worry."

"Okay, update me tomorrow and keep an eye on that girl." With that he walked off and Ben sighed. He seemed to be afraid of Gally. I on the other hand, was scared of both of them. I pushed the tablet back into my bag and ran to Newt's room. I slammed the door behind me causing him to jump. He was reading an old looking book.

"What's wrong?" He didn't seem too worried but I could tell he actually cared. I pulled out my tablet and showed him the faces. Then I tried acting out what they were saying but he wasn't taking in the information. He was just astounded by the tablet. He eyed it curiously, looking at the different edges. "Where did you get this?" He asked as if I could tell him. It was so frustrating not being able to tell him anything.

I wanted to explain everything to him. I wanted to thank him for being so kind lately. I wanted to tell him the way out. I wanted to tell him about Ben and Gally but I couldn't. I couldn't say anything.

"So you know our names?" I nodded and his face instantly lit up. "That's it! Yes or no questions!" I shook my head smiling at him.

Folding my legs, I sat on the ground and he sat in front of me taking notes while we went.

"Okay, okay." He started to calm down. "Did you get the tablet from the Creators?" I nodded yes. "Do you know why they put us here?" I nodded yes. "Do you know your name?" Again, I nodded yes. "Do you know how to get out of the maze?" I shook my head yes like crazy, jumping up and down. "Can you show us?" He got really excited after, once again, I nodded yes. His eyes, they just screamed sadness till that very moment. I'd never seen anyone as happy as he was.

We passed out on the floor asking and answering questions the whole night.

In the morning, Minho barged in and immediately stopped when he saw us on the floor. Newt had his arm hanging over my waist. I just quickly stood up and pushed Newt a little with my foot. As soon as he saw Minho he scrambled to his feet and shoved the notepad in his face.

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