Chapter Seven

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     Abigail and Kendra were standing outside of Michelle's locker in the deserted hallway. Abigail began to twist around Michelle's lock, and in thirty seconds, her locker door popped open.

     "How did you do that?" asked Kendra. "How did you know her combination?"

     "I didn't know her combination. I just listened for the clicks." Abigail opened the door. "For future reference, her combination is twenty-seven, five, forty-nine."

     Kendra didn't laugh. She was too nervous. Every five seconds, she looked behind her to make sure a teacher wasn't watching. Or worse, Michelle. "So how does this work?"

     But Abigail was already tying a rubber band to the springs in the corner of Michelle's locker. The other end of the band was then tied to the glue balloon.

     "When she opens her locker, the paper glue thing will fall off the shelf. The rubber band will snap, causing it to drop. When it hits the ground, it will pop, sending the glue mixture upwards, just like a balloon."

     Kendra was impressed. "Why do I get the feeling you've done this before?"

     Abigail laughed. "I can just figure things out really quickly. I'm a hand's on type person. But the hard part will be the glitter and feathers. I don't know how that will work."

     Kendra glanced around Michelle's locker and suddenly had a brainstorm. "I got it! Put the feather bag upside-down inside the locker door. When she opens the locker, the feather bag will open and they will rain down on her!"

     "Perfect," Abigail said, high-fiving Kendra. She placed the feather/glitter mixture inside the door and closed it quickly so the feathers wouldn't escape. "Now where is Silvia Lang's locker?"

     Within ten minutes, all three balloons were planted and there was still a good fifteen minutes left of lunch. "Let's go back," Kendra said, "before they notice we are missing."

     Abigail shook her head. "I gotta go take care of something first. But you can go back. See you later."

     "Okay then," Kendra said. "Bye." But Abigail had already turned around the corner. Kendra shrugged and headed back to lunch. She wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody, so she sat on the swing set by herself, thinking about what she just did. Was it okay to prank Michelle and her followers because they stole Millie? Or did it count as bullying? Kendra thought over her actions for a little while before she finally decided on a new way of thinking. The prank is already set up. What's done is done. They can't take it back without setting off the balloon. She might as well take advantage of seeing Michelle covered head to toe in feathers.

     After lunch, it was time to see Michelle, Silvia, and Ashlee get covered in glittery feathers. Even better, or worse, Michelle was wearing a white shirt, so the feathers would show up perfectly.

     Kendra went to her locker, as she always does, but tilted her locker mirror to face the rigged lockers. Michelle, Silvia, and Ashlee all opened their lockers at the same time. Kendra whirled around just in time to see the rubber bands snap, the balloons break, and the glue splatter. A few seconds of squealing caught the attention of everybody in the hallway. When the feathers exploded, the kids couldn't control their laughter anymore. Everybody was laughing, pointing, and making fun of Michelle, Silvia, and Ashlee. Kendra let a few giggles escape her worried mouth. Besides, if she was the only one not laughing, it might look suspicious.

     "Shut up!" Michelle yelled. "Shut up!"

     Silvia and Ashlee looked like they were about to cry. Silvia's straight black hair was completely coated in silver glitter and her dark eyeliner was running down her cheek. Ashlee, who had her mouth wide open in surprise, now had a mouthful of feathers. She was pulling them out one by one with a disgusted look on her face.

     But Michelle looked the worst. Her locker was in the middle, so she had the greatest impact of the glue. Her perfect blonde waves mixed with the blue dye had turned a hideous shade of green. You couldn't even tell that her shirt was supposed to be white.

     For five minutes, the laughing continued until Mr. Smith realized what was going on. "Hey! Everybody, knock it off! Michelle, Silvia, Ashlee, Millie. Come with me."

     Millie? Why had Mr. Smith said Millie's name? Kendra turned around to the set of lockers beside hers. Standing ten feet away was a dripping wet Millie covered with glitter and feathers.

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