Chapter Fourteen

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Kendra didn't get up until ten thirty Saturday morning. She actually slept well for a change, except for when she woke up at one in the morning when Amy came home. Kendra got up and went downstairs to find her mom in the kitchen making tea.

"How did your movie night go last night? I'm sorry I had to work."

"It went well. Trinity, Rachel, Carmine, and I played pool."

Kendra's mom stirred her tea. "That's nice. No Millie?"

Kendra shook her head. "We're not friends anymore. Remember?"

"That's right," her mom said shaking her head.

Amy was still asleep upstairs, but Carmine looked like he was up for hours. "Hey, Kendra," he said when he saw her.

"Hey," she answered smiling. She didn't want to admit it, but Carmine was sort of growing on her. Even if he was a bit nerdy. "Get any texts from Trinity last night?"

"No," Carmine said laughing. "Don't tell her I said this, but she kind of scares me."

Kendra starting laughing too. "Awe, that's not very nice. Trinity's great."

"I know," Carmine admitted, "Her and Rachel are both awesome."

Trinity was going to be very excited if Kendra told her this later. "They are. They're my best friends. And they're way more fun than Millie." All at once, Kendra stopped herself. Why had she just brought up Millie in front of Carmine?

"Millie Anderson?" asked Carmine. "She's in my English class."

"We used to be best friends, but we aren't anymore." Kendra kept it short and simple on purpose, not ready to spill all her drama.

"Well, I can tell that Trinity and Rachel are much nicer than Millie. I haven't really talked to Millie, but she seems a bit self-centered and judgey. She doesn't really seem like the person you would want to hang out with."

Kendra nodded. "She didn't use to be like that. She just started hanging out with the wrong crowd."

"That's too bad," Carmine said.

"Yeah," Kendra said, because she couldn't really think of anything else to say. "Anyway, let's not talk about Millie anymore."

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know," Kendra answered.

There was a long awkward silence, and it soon became painful. Luckily, at that moment, Kendra's phone rang. It was Rachel. "Sorry, I gotta take this phone call," she said, hoping she didn't sound too eager. She answered her phone quickly. "Hey Rachel, what's up?"

"T and I are gonna hit the mall today to look for costumes to wear to the Halloween Dance. Want to come along?"

"Sure. What time?"

"Right now?"

"That sounds good to me. Just let me check with my mom real quick." Kendra lowered her phone from her ear. "Mom! Can I go to the mall with Trinity and Rachel?"

"That's fine, honey. Just be back by five o'clock!"

Kendra reported back to Rachel. "Yeah I can go."

"Awesome!" she said. "See you soon!"

Kendra ended the call and hurried up to her room to get her wallet. She noticed Carmine was gone, probably back to his room to avoid more awkward silences, so Kendra was grateful. She took the stairs two at a time and barged into her room.

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