Chapter Twenty (Final Chapter)

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"You've got to believe me!" Kendra insisted. "I'm not behind this! Abigail is!" She wasn't sure how she knew this, but somehow she did. Abigail had been in the haunted house that night with Kendra. She had been waiting for her. Waiting for revenge.

Kendra's mom was trying to be calm and reasonable, but she was shaking too much to comfort her daughter. "Kendra, dear. W-who is Abigail?"

Kendra began pacing around the haunted house. "Abigail! She said she was my friend, but she wasn't. She framed me! She's evil. She tried to kill Millie. She's going to kill me!"

Her mom began to cry. "Oh, baby, please. Please stop talking like that." She tried to hug her daughter but Kendra pulled away.

"It's true Mom! I'm not making this up." She turned to the policemen. "Please, you've got to believe me. You've got to stop Abigail!"

The tall policeman stepped in front of Kendra. "Tell us who Abigail is so we can help you."

"She goes to my school. She's a seventh grader at Acorn Ridge."

"What is her last name?" interjected Mrs. Clearwater.

"I-I don't remember. She told me when we first met, but that was so long ago. I can't remember."

"Abigail," Kendra's mom murmured.

The policemen turned to face her. "Does this name mean anything to you, Miss. Blair?"

She shook her head. "No sorry. I was just... remembering something."

Mrs. Clearwater took out her cell phone. "I'm going to contact the school again to see if someone can check the files on any seventh grader by the name of 'Abigail.' If we can get ahold of her, maybe she'll help us figure out what's going on."

The principal took her call in the graveyard of the haunted house and came back five minutes later. "I'm on hold. They're checking the files right now."

A few minutes later, Mrs. Clearwater got back on the line. "Are you sure?" she asked. "Well, please check the other grades as well. Thank you."

"What happened," the tall policeman asked.

"There is no seventh grader by the name of Abigail. They're checking the sixth and eighth grade files now."

Kendra supposed it was possible that Abigail was younger or older than her. After all, she never really said what grade she was in. Kendra just sort of assumed that she was the same age as her.

"What did you find out?" Mrs. Clearwater asked the person on the other end of the phone. "No, that's okay. Yes. Thank you for trying. Goodbye." She clicked the end button on her cell phone and faced Kendra. "There is no student who goes to Acorn Ridge named Abigail."

"That's impossible!" Kendra shouted.

"Why did you make this up?" Mrs. Clearwater asked calmly.

"I didn't make Abigail up! She's a real person and she goes to Acorn Ridge! She was at the haunted house and at the school tonight. She framed me."

The tall policeman spoke quietly to Kendra's mother. "We may need to find a mental hospital for your daughter to get help."

"I AM NOT MENTAL!" Kendra shouted. "Abigail is real and she's out to get me!"

"Just calm down, young lady," the other policeman said, taking her arm.

Kendra pulled away. "If you guys won't believe me, I guess I'll have to find out what's going on by myself." With that, Kendra darted out of the graveyard and into the corn maze. She could hear her mother, the policemen, and Mrs. Clearwater calling for her and running after her, but Kendra didn't stop. She took a different route back through the corn and the enchanted forest. She raced across the zombie bridge and out of the haunted house.

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