Chapter Sixteen

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"I don't know if you should go, Kendra."

Kendra groaned. "But Mom, I already promised Trinity I would go with her to the haunted house. Besides, I'm twelve. I'll be fine."

Her mother closed her eyes and put her hand to her forehead the way she always did when she had a headache. "The problem isn't your age."

"Then why don't you want me to go?"

Kendra's mom opened her eyes and sat down on the couch next to her daughter. "I imagine you know the story behind the Haunted House of Oak Avenue, don't you?"

"Of course," Kendra said. "It's common knowledge. Didn't the house get filled with carbon monoxide a long time ago and they all died?"

Her mom nodded. "That's mostly right, except for the part about it being a long time ago. This happened when you were very young, probably about ten years ago. The house was occupied by the Johnsons."

"Why is this important?" asked Kendra, curiously.

"Back when your father and I were still married, the Johnsons were close friends of ours. They even had a little daughter who was the same age as you. You were inseparable, just like how you and Millie used to be. But that awful night came when their house got filled with carbon monoxide because they accidentally left their car running. Mrs. Johnson's mother was coming to visit that night and she's the one that found her daughter and son-in-law dead."

Kendra gasped. "What about the little girl?" She could see her mother's eyes were glistening with tears.

"Mrs. Johnson's mother called an ambulance but there was nothing to be done for the Johnson's. Their little daughter didn't die instantly from the carbon monoxide, but died later in the hospital."

"That's horrible!" Kendra shouted.

Her mother nodded. "That's why I'm against all this haunted house business. It just brings back bad memories from the past. And also I'm afraid that that there really is something wrong with that house, which I know sounds completely ridiculous."

"I understand you still feel sad about this," Kendra said slowly. "But not going to a haunted house won't bring them back."

"I know."

"I still think it's really horrible that they would use their story to create this haunted house, but like I said, I promised Trinity." Kendra swallowed, hoping she didn't sound inconsiderate. "But I won't go if you don't want me to."

Her mother shook her head. "No, Kendra. It would be unfair to keep you home because of something that happened so long ago. I know there's nothing potentially dangerous in that house anymore, it just worries me."

"I'll be careful, Mom. Besides, the haunted house isn't real. It's all just pretend. But are you sure you're okay with me going?"

Wiping her eyes, Kendra's mom nodded.

After getting changed into her pirate costume, Kendra walked upstairs and knocked on Carmine's door. She decided to invite him along for Trinity.

"Come in," he called through the closed door. Kendra opened it and walked inside.

"Hey Carmine," she said.

"Hey Kendra. What's up?"

"Trinity, Rachel, and I are going to the Haunted House of Oak Avenue. Do you want to come along with us?"

"Sure, but I'll have to be back by nine thirty. My parents wanted Amy and I to go to the new house and help figure out the layout of our new rooms."

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