Chapter Seventeen

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The sidewalk to the haunted house was crumbling apart as the crowd of anxious people waited in line. It was the perfect mood for Halloween: the wind howled in the distance and a full moon shone brightly through the night sky.

Trinity shivered in her fairy costume. "Brr, it is so cold out here. I can't believe how long this line is. We've been waiting here for almost an hour!"

"Hey, this was all your idea!" Rachel said in an annoyed tone.

Kendra exhaled in frustration. Rachel and Trinity had been fighting the whole time they've been waiting. The four of them were standing outside behind a line of what seemed like a hundred people, waiting to go into the haunted house. It was freezing outside and Kendra wished she thought to bring a hoodie to wear over top of her pirate costume. But after talking to her mom and Carmine, she had run out of time. She still felt bad for going against her mother's wishes, but if she didn't, Trinity would have been so mad at her.

"Are you going to the dance later, Carmine?" asked Trinity, changing the subject.

"No, Amy and I are supposed to go see our parents tonight."

Trinity looked slightly disappointed, but was interrupted by a loud scream that came from the haunted house. Kendra shivered. "How scary do you think this is going to be?" she asked.

"It'll be fine," Trinity said. "It's going to be fun!"

But once they got to the front of the line, everybody seemed a little less sure about going in. The group that was in front of them came running out of the haunted house screaming. Rachel shot a worried glance towards Kendra as the doors opened and a burst of fog protruded from inside.

"Are you sure you want to do this," she asked, her lip quivering. Even Trinity looked a bit paler than usual. Kendra wasn't so sure either after hearing the backstory, to be honest, but they couldn't turn back now. There were tons of kids from their school, and they would look like chickens if they were too scared to go in. So Kendra did the brave thing and... pushed Carmine in the front.

"Thanks a lot," he muttered.

The doors closed behind the four of them with a loud thud that made Trinity jump. "What was that?" she whispered.

"It was just the door," Rachel said, rolling her eyes.

Carmine led the way across a wooden bridge. So far, there hadn't been anything too scary. Just a lot of detailed props and a creepy Halloween sound effects C.D. playing in the background. In fact, it seemed a bit cheesy.

"This isn't so bad," Kendra said.

Suddenly something grabbed her ankle. "AHHHHH!" she screamed, her heart racing faster than normal. Beneath the bridge were several zombies waiting to pull them down under. The zombie that had Kendra's ankle wasn't letting go. Carmine and Rachel raced across the bridge and were already safely on the other side. Trinity was frozen with fright, stuck in the middle of the bridge too scared to move.

Kendra wiggled free and quickly leapt over to the other side. Trinity was still on the bridge. The zombies were closing in on her. "Help!" she whimpered.

"Go get her," Rachel said, shoving Carmine back to the bridge.

Carmine shot an annoyed glance back to Rachel. "I'm really getting tired of being shoved," he grumbled, but rescued Trinity from the zombie bridge. Once the four of them were safely on the other side, Rachel took the lead through a dark forest made with real leaves and tree branches. They followed the forest for a good while until they came to a corn maze with corn stalks so high they touched the ceiling.

"I wonder how they planted corn inside a house," Trinity said, her voice still wavering from the zombie bridge.

"Who cares," Carmine said. "Let's just get out of here."

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