Chapter Four

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     Abigail led Kendra behind the school and over to the property border where an old rickety fence stood before a huge forest. It didn't really have a name, but since it was so close to their school, everybody called it Acorn Ridge Forest. To Kendra's surprise, Abigail began climbing the fence. She reached the top easily and looked back down at Kendra.

     "You coming or what?"

     "I don't think we should leave the school grounds. We could get in big trouble."

     Abigail grinned. "You aren't scared, are you?"

     The truth was, Kendra was scared. She'd always been scared. Of dogs, public speaking, thunderstorms, and now most of all; losing Millie as a friend. Millie was always the brave one who tried to get Kendra to be more courageous, but she always chickened out of everything.

     But not anymore, thought Kendra. She gripped the fence and began to climb. Abigail smiled in approval.

     "For a second there, I thought you weren't coming."

     Once Kendra reached the bottom of the other side, she smiled. "That was fun," she said, happily.

     Abigail laughed. "You don't get out much, do you?" she joked. "Come on. Let's go before anyone notices."

     Kendra followed Abigail through a small opening in Acorn Ridge Forest. As soon as she looked around, she wished she knew about this place a lot sooner. It was beautiful in the woods. Trees all around them were filled with multi-colored leaves that dropped whenever the breeze blew through the forest. Birds flew through the trees singing and whistling different melodies that were in perfect harmony.

     "It's so pretty here," said Kendra.

     They walked for a long time and Abigail led her to a wooden bench in the middle of the forest. It was carved with extravagant designs and was painted white. Kendra sat down next to Abigail. "How did you find this place?" she asked.

     Abigail shrugged. "It's like me. It's always been here, but it takes a special person to be able to see it."

     Kendra nodded like she completely understood what Abigail was saying. The way she talked was confusing, like a puzzle without all the pieces. She never directly answered a question, but Kendra didn't care. She was new and exciting. Millie did have a daring side to her, but Kendra couldn't picture her going over the fence and into the woods like she just did. It made her feel brave.

     "How much time is left of lunch?" asked Kendra awhile later.

     "Ten minutes," Abigail replied. "We should probably get back soon."

     Kendra's face fell in disappointment. "But we just got here."

     "Sorry. It's a long walk back and you don't want to be late to English class, do you?"

     Kendra sighed. "I guess not. Let's go." She stood up but immediately realized that she had no clue where to go. "Um, which way goes back to the school?"

     Abigail laughed. "Follow me."

     Kendra followed her newfound friend, but in the back of her mind, she was wondering how Abigail knew she had English class next. Maybe she mentioned something earlier and just forgot.

     Kendra dashed into English class five minutes after the bell rang. Her teacher, Mr. Smith frowned. "You're late, Miss Blair."

     Kendra's face turned red in embarrassment. "Sorry, sir. I, um, left my textbook in my locker and had to go back and get it."

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