Chapter Five

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     At school the next day, Kendra looked for Abigail in the halls. She would be fairly easy to spot, Kendra figured, with her dark hair and hipster clothing. But Abigail was nowhere in sight.

     Again, Millie was not at Kendra's locker. She promised, Kendra thought. She'll be here. After waiting five minutes, the warning bell rang and she was forced to head off to class without getting a chance to talk to Millie.

     Kendra couldn't believe that Millie just hadn't shown up like that. After thinking about it last night, she really thought things were going to go back to normal now. But Millie broke her promise. Millie also promised to sit next to her at lunch, so maybe there was still hope.

     After five painstakingly long classes, it was finally time for lunch. Kendra realized that it was cooler than it had been yesterday and immediately wished she'd brought her sweatshirt out with her. She shivered and looked around for her friends.

     She'd seen Millie in homeroom, so she knew that she was here today. They didn't get a chance to talk before class, and after, her best friend was whisked away by Michelle, Silvia, and Ashlee.

     "Kendra!" a voice said behind her. Millie?


     "I am so, so sorry, but me and Rache have another band rehearsal during lunch this is getting ridiculous, but I guess it's just because we have a concert coming up and we need all the practice we can get and also Rachel went ahead, but I wanted to talk to you first and I can't believe we will have to leave you alone again."

     Kendra shook her head, used to Trinity's long run-on sentences. "I won't be alone. I still have Millie."

     "Guess again," Trinity said, gesturing towards the wooden bench occupied by Michelle, her followers, and Millie. Trinity wiped a fake tear out of her eye. "We've lost her. She's gone to the... the... DARK SIDE!" She erupted in laughter.

     Kendra was slightly annoyed at Trinity's behavior. This was serious and she was just making jokes and pretending to be upset. Millie's broken another promise. That's the second one today. What is going on with her?

     "Anyway, see you, Kendra. Sorry again!" Trinity waved goodbye, but Kendra was still staring at the popular crowd. Millie just looked so... out of place. She belonged in their friend group. Not with the populars.

     Millie caught sight of Kendra and her expression changed. She mouthed the word "sorry" and then turned back to Michelle, pointed toward Kendra, shook her head, and laughed. The two of them were probably making fun of Kendra right now.

     "Don't feel so bad for talking trash on Millie now, huh?"

     The voice from behind Kendra made her jump. "Abigail! I didn't see you!" Abigail's hair still had the one white streak on the side and she was still wearing her diamond choker with the paw print charm.

     Abigail giggled. "Geez you scare easily."

     "Can we go back to the middle of Acorn Ridge Forest?" asked Kendra. She just needed to get out of here, now. If she had to see Millie and Michelle laughing one more time, she wasn't sure what she might do or say.

     Abigail thought for a moment. "Not today." She began walking. "I have another place in mind."

     Another adventure? This could be fun. "Okay. Where?"

     Abigail didn't answer but continued to walk towards the back of the school. Since Kendra was so curious, she had no choice but to follow. "Are we going to another place in the forest? Will it be even cooler than the place from yesterday?"

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