Chapter Nine

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     Over the next few days, the school was buzzing with rumors as to who actually was the pranker. A few people said that it was Michelle's ex-boyfriend. Another group claimed that it was somebody trying to make a statement about popularity. Either way, they called the pranksters the "slimers." In a way, the "slimers" were the most popular kids in school. But the funny thing was that nobody knew their identities. Kendra didn't even tell Rachel or Trinity. She knew Rachel was trustworthy, but sometimes Trinity couldn't hold back secrets. Just to be safe, Kendra didn't risk telling either one of them.

     But, like Abigail predicted, people soon got bored with the subject and dropped it. Michelle was still popular, but possibly a bit less popular than she was before. Overall though, it seemed that no prank could do any permanent harm to the popularity balance at the school.

     Kendra didn't see Abigail for a few days, and wasn't sure what to do at lunch without her. Sure, she was still really irritated with her for pranking Millie and being super arrogant, but in a way, Abigail's absence was like losing Millie all over again.

     She wasn't really in the mood to talk to Trinity and Rachel, so Kendra spent her lunch hour inside in the library. The librarian, Ms. Claire, was a sweet old lady who loved children. She was always happy to have Kendra's company.

     It wasn't until the following Monday that Abigail returned. She was sitting at a table in the library when Kendra walked in.

     "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since the day of the prank." Kendra said. She wasn't worried that they would be overheard, because the only other person in the library was Ms. Claire, and she could barely hear anyway.

     "Around," Abigail answered.

     She wanted to bring up the whole Millie debate, but decided against it. It had been so long since they had their argument, she didn't feel it was necessary to bring it up again. "So, do you think we are safe?"

     "Definitely. I overheard the principal say that they don't have any evidence and should just forget about it until someone either leaves an anonymous tip or confesses." Abigail rolled her eyes. "Like, who in their right mind would confess?"

     Kendra laughed, happy to not be fighting with Abigail anymore. She was the smartest person Kendra knew and it was always better to have her on your team than against. "That's basically like signing up for suspension."

     Abigail looked sideways at a piece of orange paper on the table. "What's this?"

     Kendra picked it up. "Oh, it's just a poster about the Halloween Dance. Nothing important."

     "I wonder if Michelle is going to run for Halloween Queen," asked Abigail, reading the paper.

     "Probably," said Kendra. "Winning Halloween Queen would be just the thing to ensure her popularity status through the school."

     "True. I hope you won't be voting for her," Abigail said, jokingly.

     "Ha," laughed Kendra. "Not on my life."

     After school, Kendra's mother was waiting for her. Kendra assumed that something was up, so she waited for an explanation. Instead she got the usual greeting as she set her backpack on the kitchen table.

     "Hello, sweetie. Did you have a nice day at school?" she asked.

     "It was fine. Don't you have to be at work, though?"

     Kendra's mom shook her head. "I took the afternoon off. I needed a break."

     Kendra nodded with sympathy. She wished she could take a break from school and just get away from everybody.

     "Millie hasn't been over in a while," her mom said. "Why don't you invite her over today? It's so nice out."

     Kendra at first thought about lying, but decided against it. She was too tired to come up with a believable lie at the moment. "Um, Millie and I aren't really friends anymore," she said.

     "Oh dear. What happened?"

     "It's nothing big. She just found some new friends that have more things in common with her. It's fine."

     "Are you sure you're okay? I could make you some hot chocolate," her mom offered.

     "I'm fine, but hot chocolate does sound great." She sat down on the couch. "Thanks Mom." For the first time since the prank, she felt like things might be starting to go back to normal. All it would take was time and some chocolate.

     Kendra should have known better that things were far from going back to normal. When she arrived to school the next morning, she overheard two girls talking about the Halloween Dance while she was at her locker.

     "Did you hear? Kacey said Eliana said that Mila heard from Lindsay that Silvia told her Millie Anderson is running for Halloween Queen!"

     "The Millie Anderson that got slimed last week?"

     "Yes! Everybody is saying she is going to win."

     "What about Michelle Green? I thought she was running. Aren't her and Millie, like, best friends?"

     "Oh they are. Michelle is basically her campaign manager for the dance. She is making all the posters and spreading the word."

     "Who is Millie going to the dance with?"

     "Josh Martin. Don't they make the cutest couple?"

     Kendra stopped in her tracks. They were talking about Josh Martin. Josh as in Kendra's crush since fifth grade. A strong wave of jealousy bubbled inside her. Millie was now best friends with the most popular girl in school and now dating her crush?

     Kendra needed to talk to Abigail now more than ever. She closed her locker door and began looking through the halls. Why was it that she could never find Abigail, but Abigail could always find her?

     She was too busy looking around for her friend, she ran right into Trinity and Rachel.

     "Hey, Kendra. Why the rush?" asked Rachel.

     "I'm looking for Abigail. Have you seen her?"

     Trinity shook her head. "You still haven't introduced us. We don't know what she looks like."

     "Oh," said Kendra, feeling a little guilty for not talking to her friends in a few days. "She has dark black hair with one white streak. And she always wears a black diamond choker with a paw print charm. If you see her, let me know."

     With that, Kendra turned around and continued to race through the halls. Maybe Abigail was at her locker. But where was Abigail's locker? And what was Abigail's schedule? Kendra realized she didn't know much about her friend at all.

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