Chapter Thirteen

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It had been only three days that the Guests had been living in their house, and Kendra was tired of it. First, Amy liked to stay up late talking to her friends on her cell and it made it impossible for Kendra to get any sleep. She ended up going to school with dark circles under her eyes. Second, Amy was really annoying in general. She was three years older than Kendra and for some reason thought that she should be in charge, even though she was the guest. She kept telling Kendra what she should do with her room and her clothes. Third, Amy had brought a ton of stuff with her and completely reorganized her side of Kendra's room. The stay was only temporary, but Amy was treating it as a permanent home.

Luckily Kendra didn't have to deal with Amy at school. Kendra went to the junior high and Amy went to high school. Besides, even if they did go to the same school, it's not like Amy would hang out with her and her friends. Amy had already made a lot of new friends, the popular tenth grade girls that acted just like her.

Carmine, however, wasn't too much of an annoyance. He was in Kendra's grade, but didn't bother her at home or at school. He didn't make any new friends yet and sat alone at lunch, but Kendra didn't feel guilty at all. He was the Guest and she already disliked him before he even came.

If anything good came out of the Guests, it was that it gave her something to think of besides Millie and Abigail. Abigail hadn't been in school for a long time, and Kendra began to think that maybe she moved.

Kendra also began to hang out with Trinity and Rachel more. Trinity told her that she thought Carmine was cute, but Rachel reminded her that he was one of the Guests. Trinity told Rachel privately that she didn't care, but and Rachel filled Kendra in later about what she said. Kendra was glad that Rachel had her back. Trinity was still a good friend, but just didn't agree with her one hundred percent of the time.

Friday night, Kendra invited Trinity and Rachel to watch a movie at her house since they hadn't had a movie night in forever. Millie almost always had them at her house, and Kendra didn't want to think that Millie owned movie night and that with her out of the group they didn't do anything fun anymore.

Rachel arrived first, wearing a black band t-shirt and cut-off jeans, the same thing she wore to school. Her black curly hair was tied back in a ponytail.

Trinity came shortly after, dressed in a pink ruffled top, short jean skirt, and sparkly pink wedges. She even curled her blonde hair. It looked like it took hours to get every curl to look perfect.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Kendra asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" asked Rachel, making a heart shape with her hands. "Carmine lives here."

"Nooo," Trinity said, blushing. "I just like being pretty."

Rachel and Kendra laughed. "Are we going to start the movie now?" asked Trinity, changing the subject.

"T, we never start the movie right away," replied Rachel. "Want to play a game of pool first?"

"Sure," Kendra said.

"Wait a sec," Trinity pointed out. "How are we going to play? We only have three people and its only fun if we play in teams. This is the first time that we've had a movie night without Millie."

"I can play," said Carmine, walking into the room. "I mean, if you want me to."

This was the first time that Carmine had spoken to Kendra since the first day they moved in. Kendra was slightly irritated that Carmine had been eavesdropping on them, but Trinity answered for everyone.

"SURE!" she said loudly, twirling her hair. "You can be on my team."

Rachel raised her eyebrows playfully toward Trinity, but she was too busy to notice. Kendra just laughed. "Alright. Let's play."

They set up the table and Trinity broke. She got a ball in, so she went again. She missed and it was Rachel's turn. Rachel got two in a row, but missed the third time because watching Trinity flirt with Carmine made her laugh.

Next it was Carmine's turn. He lined up his first shot and the ball went straight in. "Yay!" Trinity cheered. Kendra didn't think that Trinity cared about Rachel making fun of her anymore. Carmine shot in two more, but scratched on the second.

Kendra was up. She put the white ball at the top of the table and lined up to hit the five ball. She did not hit the white ball hard enough, though, and it didn't quite reach the five. Trinity was up again.

The game lasted about a half hour. Out of the four of them, the best player was probably either Rachel or Carmine. Carmine ended up scoring more, only because Trinity kept making Rachel laugh every time she lined up a shot. Trinity usually was a decent player, but wasn't focused that night. And Kendra had never been very good at pool. But they still had a lot of fun.

Carmine turned out to be pretty funny too. He told them that last year when Amy was being annoying, he put blue hair dye in her shampoo and she had blue hair for a week. Amy had wanted to strangle Carmine.

Trinity looked like she was in heaven the whole time. She kept laughing at his jokes, twirling her hair, and batting her eyelashes. Rachel and Kendra were both making heart shapes with their fingers when Carmine wasn't looking, which made them all crack up.

Instead of watching a movie, they played another game of pool. They switched up the teams though, so now Rachel and Trinity were partners and Kendra and Carmine were partners. Before they knew it, it was ten o'clock and Rachel and Trinity had to go home. But Trinity didn't leave before giving Carmine her phone number.

After they left, Kendra and Carmine cleaned up the downstairs room since there was popcorn and pool sticks everywhere.

"That was fun," Carmine said.

"It was," Kendra agreed. It had been the first time in a while that she was able to have fun without worrying about Millie and Michelle, Millie going to the Halloween Dance with Josh, and the pranks her and Abigail did. It was nice.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Is Trinity really an airhead or is that just an act?"

Kendra burst out laughing. "She's not an airhead, even if she does act like it sometimes."

"Okay good. Because she seems really nice, she's just a bit... never mind. Forget it."

Kendra kept laughing until she couldn't breathe. She would have to fill Rachel and Trinity in later.

After all the popcorn was all cleaned up, Kendra went upstairs to her room. Amy wasn't there, so she must have been at her friends or something. Kendra was grateful because it gave her a chance to read her book. After about a half hour, she fell asleep because she was so exhausted. But in a good way.


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