Chapter 20

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Clark's POV

As Alex left to go put Mora in a room with a bed, I heard a whoosh behind me. I turned around and saw a man in a black suit standing there. He punched me and I flew backwards. It hurt, he must have super strength. I took a second look at him and saw that his suit had the symbol of the House of El on it ( \s/ ). I flew towards him and landed a punch on his nose. As soon as I hit him, I felt something pierce my side. I looked down and saw a dart sticking out of my suit, it was filled with some green liquid. I felt myself go weak and I passed out. The last thing I heard was Alex calling my name and the man was chased out of the building.

Third person POV

"Help!" Alex called as people rushed over to them with a medical stretcher.

"We got to get him to the medical bay," someone said, rushing Clark away.

"Agent Danvers, what is going on?" Hank/J'onn asked.

"Well long story short, Kara and Clark have both been shot with what we suspect to be kryptonite darts and are in the med bay," Alex explained quickly.

"Who did this?" Hank asked as they walked into the med bay to see Clark and Kara on identical beds.

"Non," Alex replied.

"What are their conditions?" Hank asked.

"They are both unconscious due to the large amount of kryptonite in their bodies," Alex explained.

"Well get it out of their systems," Hank said.

"It's not as easy as it sounds, we can't find a way to get it out," Alex said.

"Call your mom, she can do it," Hank directed.

"Yes sir," Alex said leaving to call her mom.

As soon as Alex walked out of the door Kara began to take deep breaths and she opened her eyes in a flutter. She quickly shot up in her bed with a gasp until she realized where she was and that she was safe.

"Kara, it's ok, you're fine," Alex said, rushing back into the room.

"Alex," Kara said.

"Clark?" Kara said, looking at her cousin over Alex's shoulder.

"He's in the same condition you were," Alex explained.

"Where's Mora?" Kara asked.

"She's sleeping in another room," Alex assured Kara.

"Who did this?" Kara asked, fuming.

"Non," Alex said, matching Kara's anger.

"I'm going to kill him," Kara said, angrily staring off in the distance.

"Kara, everything that's happened, the Scare Pair abducting Mora, you guys getting shot with kryptonite, it was all done by-"

"Non," Kara finished.

"Well yes, but Winn found out that Non is working for an organization called Cadmus," Alex said.

"Where Jeremiah is," Kara said, connecting all of the dots.

"Yeah," Alex said.

"We're going to stop them and well will get Jeremiah back," Kara said forcibly.

"What do we know about Cadmus?" Kara asked, attempting to get up.

"No no no, lay down, you need to rest there is still kryptonite in you," Alex said.

"Ok," Kara said weakly.

"Alex!" Hank yelled from the other room.

"Go," Kara said, laying back down.

"Dad," Alex said when she saw Jeremiah standing in the middle of the DEO.


I'm so sorry it took so long for me to update. From now on I'm going to try to update twice a month, but they will be short chapters like this maybe a little longer.

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