Our First Meeting

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I woke up in a forest I haven't seen before. I stood up and looked around me. I saw a lake nearby and went to it. When I looked at my reflection on its surface, I was stunned that my uniform was similar to that of a street fighter. I was wearing a black tank top with a white vest on it, a blue jeans, silver ballet shoes and my hair was tied in ponytail style. Then, I walked until I reached the borders of a city. 'Wow. A forest near a city. This dimension really is something.', I thought then kept walking until I reached the city. I was really shocked when I saw that this part of the city was completely destroyed. I kept going until I reached a dark ally in the saved part of the city.

Right then, a group of gangsters appeared and surrounded me. "Hey there, cutie. What are you doing here by yourself?", one of the gangsters asked with a lustful look on his face. "We were bored for sometime, so let's have fun.", said another gangster while coming closer at me. Before he could touch me, I gave him a back-kick right in the guts which made him fall down in pain while his comrades looked at me with shocked faces. "If you scums try to touch me, then consider yourselves dead. Am I clear?!", I shouted at them but they just dashed at me, and I started giving them my best moves. But suddenly, one of them caught me out guard and stabbed my right side. The others took the chance and dropped me on the ground. After that, their leader came to me, "You were a naughty girl, cutie. You deserve a punishment. I think I should make you scream.", he said then started pressing on the injury, but I intended to be strong, and I didn't scream. The fool thought that this was going to make me scream, but he was wrong. I would never scream for a bunch of scumbags like them. "Alright. We'll make a deal: If you scream, we'll consider leaving you alone.", he said then pressed on my head harder.

"Really? Well, how about this one? If you leave her right now, I'll consider not killing you.", I might not be able to see the one who said that, but the gangsters looked at him and I could see that they were afraid of him. Their leader, however, didn't care about the threat and said: "This is non of your business! Why don't you just walk away and prepare for your games! How does that sound, stupid bug?"

I could hear him laughing while pressing on my head even harder than before. Then, his laughter was silenced. At that moment, I knew that he was dead. The others ran away and I tried to get on my feet. I managed for a few minutes, but I lost my balance and fell. Fortunately, an arm caught me and I tried to get a hold at the face but I couldn't. Finally, I lost my consciousness and everything went black.

?'s pov:
She looks so beautiful. I've never seen any girl like her in my whole life. I held her in bridal style then flew away from the city towards the arena I made for the tournament. I put her on the solid floor then used my powers to build a house for her. Once I was done, I brought some furniture and put them inside. Right then, I carried her again and put her in bed. 'Now, let's cover this wound.', I thought then took off her vest and tank top and put them aside. Then, I brought the aid kit, put some iodine on the injury to clean it, stitched it really carefully then wrapped it with bandages and put the sheet on her. After that, I took her clothes, washed them and put them on a nearby rock to dry.
Then, I stood in my arena with my eyes closed, thinking how can I make a use of this jewel I have found.

Iroka's pov:
When I woke up, I found myself in a bed... Wait a second. A bed?... I quickly got up, causing my injury to hurt. I put my hand on it and found it covered with bandages. The man who saved me must have brought me here and treated my wound. I got off of the bed, looked at the mirror and started replaying the events that happened this morning. That's when I looked at the closet and walked towards it. I opened it and saw some good looking clothes in it. I picked a white t-shirt, put it on me and looked at myself in the mirror again. Right then, I remembered what happened before I faint, "Those damned men!", I cursed under my breath then started looking for the vest and tank top everywhere in the house, but I didn't find them.

'He must have washed them and put them somewhere outside to dry.', I thought then put the sheets around myself; because it was quite cold outside, and there wasn't any jackets in the closet. And so, I went outside to look for them. It was quite dark, so I couldn't see anything. I walked slowly and carefully until I touched a smooth surface and got on it. I kept walking until I pumped into something. I took a step back and looked at what I pumped into. It was tall with long black wings, and I could see a pointy thing between them.

"Well, it seems that the sleeping beauty has finally awoken.", he said then turned around. The moonlight was enough for me to see his face. A china white face with purple and golden stripes, and bright magenta eyes... It was him! Why does it have to be him?!... "You know? A fine young lady like you shouldn't stay alone. There might be some monsters nearby.", he said with a devilish smile on his face.

"You... You're Cell.", I said with a clearly shivering voice as I knew where I was... This was the Dragon Ball Z dimension! And it's near the Cell Games!... "Now, my dear, I don't recall saying my name to you. So, how did you know it?", he said with an evil smirk on his face. I thought of a reply that would save my neck and a brilliant idea came to my mind, "I saw you on TV when you announced the Cell Games.", I said still looking at him.

"Interesting. Well, may I know your name?"

"Iroka. Iroka Ishida.", I said my name to him with great nervousness I couldn't hide it.

"What a beautiful name. Tell me, Iroka, you don't happen to be one of Goku's friends, do you?", he asked making me gasp in fear.

'No, Iroka. You must stay strong in front of him!', I thought, pulled myself together and stood confidently, "And what if I was a Z-fighter?! What are you going to do?!", I yelled at him. He just chuckled and said: "I'm sorry to hear that. It would be a pity to kill such a beauty like you."

Then, he started walking towards me, and I stepped back to keep a distance between me and him. After that, I turned around and started running away.

Unfortunately, I ended up pumping into him and falling on my back... Damn! I forgot how fast he was!... I got on my feet again then put the sheet back on my body and started running again. But he grabbed the sheet causing it to fall from me. I just stood in shock for a few minutes. Then when I went for another run, he quickly grabbed my right arm and twisted it behind my back, and he used his other hand to grab my neck tightly.

I struggled to free myself, but he tightened his grip even more. "Let me go!", I said as he leaned to my ear, "Now, now, I don't think this is the way to thank the one who saved your life, right?", he whispered and I was shocked to hear that... So, Cell was the one who saved me?! But why?... Suddenly, he started pulling my arm slowly, "Ah. Cell.", I moaned of pain, and I think he liked it; because he pressed a little on my neck and said: "I like how you said my name, Iroka. But I want you to scream it."

Say what?!... I didn't hold back from those scums to scream for him!... I tried to hold it, but the pain he was causing me was unbearable, "Cell.", I said it louder hoping that he would turn me loose. Instead, he tightened his grip on me more than before, "Good. But I want you scream it from the top of your lungs.", he hissed to me then started pulling my arm more. At first, I resisted it but it made things only worse. "Now, Iroka, I might break your arm if I want to. I can hear your arm bone crushing. Scream!", he ordered while pulling harder. I could feel my arm starting to crack, so I couldn't handle it anymore.

"CELL!", I screamed as loud as I could. With that, he let go of me, and I fell on my knees breathing hard.

"See? It wasn't that bad now, was it?", he said with that smirk on his face. Then, he carried me bridal style, took me inside the house then put me in the bed and covered me with the sheet.

"Nine days is a long time. You must be bored.", I said. Cell stayed silent for a while then spoke up, "Now that you've mentioned it, I am very bored, actually... Perhaps you can be my entertainment.", I was shocked by that request, but I put myself together and asked: "And exactly how can I entertain you?"

"I'm not sure yet. But I'll think of something for you.", he said then chuckled wickedly and left the house. I looked at the stars from the window then went to sleep.

My Love for An Android (A Dragon Ball Z Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now