Towa And Mira

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Next morning, I woke up and wore my clothes. I went to the arena to find Cell still asleep, "I'm going to pay Vegeta a visit at his house. If you want to see me, wait for me near the lake in the middle of the forest. I'll meet you there.", I whispered to him then placed my hand on his cheek and moved it down to his muscular chest.

Then, I closed my eyes and I could feel his heart beat. I then stood up and walked away from him, I stopped at the edge of the arena and took a last look at him. 'I love you.', I said in my head then went on my way to see Bulma.

On my way there, I saw Trunks and Vegeta walking around.

Trunks was happy to see me, and Vegeta? Well, let's just say that he was still mad from me because of my joke yesterday. I apologized to him several times and kept pleading him to forgive me until he actually smiled to me and forgave me.

Then, we all went to Goku's house first, I sat with Chichi for some time while Vegeta was yelling at Goku for some reason -I didn't understand what he said because he was really angry-.
Right then, we went to Vegeta's house, I looked for Dr. Briefs' lab and found Bulma there.

I went in with her and saw Android 16, fully repaired and sitting on the table.

Bulma introduced us to each other, and I was pleased to know him closer, he's a big guy with a tender heart, I must admit.

After a couple of hours alone with Bulma, I waved a goodbye for them and hurryed to the forest to meet with Cell. 'I just hope I'm not late, or else he would kiss me in that way again!', I said in my mind as I was thinking of last night when he pinned me to a pillar, grabbed both my arms really tight with one hand, pinned them above my head then placed his lips softly on mine.

I blushed bright red just of the thought of it.

Suddenly, I was pulled away from my direction and thrown to the ground. I stood up and turned around to see two blue-skinned aliens with black and red clothes and white hair. The female was carrying a staff in her hand and smiling maliciously, 'Oh, great! What are these two doing here?! As if I don't know.', I thought.

"Well, well, aren't you a tough girl?", the female said, as I remember, her name is Towa and the male is called Mira.

"What do you want from me?!", I asked angrily and the answer came to me by Mira grabbing me from my neck and suffocating me, "Simply, my dear, we want you out of the way.", Towa said and I couldn't bear her smirk, "You want me out of the way so you could put Time in chaos, isn't it?!", I said weakly as Mira was tightening his grisp on my neck.

"You're a clever girl. But it won't save you. Mira, finish her off.", she ordered and Mira used both his hands now to suffocate me.

I wanted to scream for help, but I didn't know who I should shout for. The only name that came to my mind was his name, "Cell!", I shouted as loud as I could and hoped that he would hear me out.

Cell's pov:
She's late. I wonder what happened to her. Wait, why do I even care about her? I could've just killed her like everyone else. But she's not like everyone else, she's...somehow different. She makes me feel something.

Lately, I was thinking only of her. Even when I meditate, I can't stop thinking of her. Her tears, her eyes, her lips, especially her lips. Well, I have to blame myself for this, I was the one who kissed her! God, I'm going to get a headache because of this!

Anyway, while I was lost in my thoughts, I heard a scream coming from the other side of the lake, "Cell!", I could recognize the voice... It was Iroka! Judging on the tone of her voice, she was in trouble. I hovered over the lake then ran as fast as I could.

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