Birthday Celebration (A Happy End)

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"Hey, Krillin. I've got a little surprise for you. Follow me. And you guys just wait for me, I won't take too long.", I said then Krillin and I flew to the cave where I left Android 18. There, I saw her awake and okay. When she saw me, she demanded an answer for what I did and Krillin wanted to know that as well.

"Well, a friend of mine taught me how to cast spells, I used a seperation spell to seperate Eighteen from Cell and made sure to keep his power as it is.", I explained to both of them with a smile then we all went back to the others.

I was really happy to see that they didn't fight with each other. I ran to Cell and embraced him. He was surprised at first, but he then embraced me as well. "I'm so glad you did the right thing.", I said then looked at him.

He started crying and couldn't stop, "Cell. Are you crying?", I asked with a smirk on my face.

"No! Something got into my eyes, that's all.", he said while trying to stop his tears. We were all happy that it was over.

Suddenly, Goku screamed loudly which made Cell stop crying, and we all looked at him:
Goku😲: Guys! We forgot about the party!

Vegeta: Damn, Kakarot! You're right!

Gohan: Oh, yeah. We completely forgot about it with all this fighting.

Me😮: Guys? What party?

Piccolo: We can't tell you.

Krillin: That's right. It's a surprise.

Trunks: Don't worry. I'm sure my mother prepared everything.

Goku: Oh, man. I hope she didn't forget the cake.

Cell & Me: Cake? For what?
That moment, we looked at each other and began to laugh. We both were like fish out of the water at the moment. Then, Goku took Cell aside and they started talking in whispers.

Cell's pov:
I could only guess from the Z-fighters' actions that they were preparing something special for Iroka. Now when Goku took me a little bit away from her, it confirmed what I was thinking.

"Alright, Goku. What's going on here?", I asked him with a riased eyebrow and he just laughed stupidly before talking, "Well, today happens to be a special day, for Iroka I mean.", he said while pointing at her, then he signed for me to lean down to him so he could whisper it to me.

"You see, today is Iroka's 19th birthday."

(By the way, she told them about her birthday; that's why they know)

"Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. You see, we were planning to make it great for her. But with the fighting and all, we completely forgot about her party."

So that was the case. This very day is when she turns 19. And I almost turned it into a day of catastrophe!... "So, I was wondering if you can keep her occupied until we finish the preperations. Please?", he asked with a goofy smile on his face.

I just rolled my eyes and tried not to laugh, or punch him in a matter of fact. "Keep her occupied, huh? That's too easy. I'll do it.", I said with a smirk and he thanked me for agreeing on this quest. Then, we went back to the others.

Iroka's pov:
I saw Goku and Cell walking back towards us. They were both smiling for some reason and that made me curious. "Hey, Cell. What did Goku tell you? Is it something about me?", I asked but he didn't answer me. Instead, he poked my shoulder and flew up.

"Let's have a little race. Remember the place I took you to yesterday?", he asked from up and I raised an eyebrow surprised from his question.

"Yeah. So what?"

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