Meeting The Z-fighters

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Next morning, I woke up and found my clothes next to me. Cell must have put them there. I got off the bed, changed my clothes, brushed my hair, made some breakfast for myself and went outside. I saw Cell sleeping in the arena but ignored him and made my way to the West city where the Z-fighters live.

While I was walking, I pumped into somebody. "I'm so sorry. Are you alright?", I looked up and saw a handsome young man with long purple hair, and he was wearing a Saiyan battle gear.

"It's okay. I'm fine. Really.", I said to him with a smile then got on my feet. "By the way, I'm Trunks."

"Iroka Ishida. Nice to meet you, Trunks."

"Hey. Why don't come with me? I'd like to introduce you to my father and the others.", he said and I agreed. He carried me in bridal style and flew to Kami's Lookout.
There, I saw Goku and all of the Z-fighters. "Hey, Trunks. You were late.", said Goku who looked at me with surprise. Then, Trunks introduced me to the Z-fighters:
Trunks: Everyone, this is Iroka Ishida. (turns to me)Iroka, these are the Z-fighters: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and this is my father, Vegeta.

Me: I'm really honored to meet you all.

Goku: We're honored to meet you too.☺

Vegeta😤: Now hold on, Kakarot. There's something suspicious about this girl.

Krillin: Now that wasn't nice, Vegeta.

Vegeta: How can we know if we can trust her? What if she was a spy working for Cell?

Goku: Well, that's rude, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Shut up, Kakarot! This girl is hiding something! I'm sure of it!

Piccolo: I have to agree with Vegeta. She is hiding something.

Gohan: I don't know, Piccolo. She seems nice to me.

Vegeta: Oh, please. You can't be serious!

Trunks: Calm down, father. She's not the enemy.

Vegeta: How can you be so sure of it?

Now this was the straw that broke the camel's back! I had enough of listening to Vegeta doubting me the whole time!... "Hold it right there, mister! You have no right to say such things about me!", I yelled at him and everyone were shocked that I shouted in the face of the Saiyan prince.

"And for the record, I can defeat you even if you transform into a Super Saiyan!", I shouted then regretted it; because Vegeta looked at me more suspectingly. "How did you know about our transformation? I demand an answer right now!", he shouted at me, and I stayed silent. Then, Vegeta got even more angry and tried to deliver a punch to my face, but I acted fast and flipped twice backwards to keep a distance between us. The Z-fighters were  amazed of what they saw, "See what I meant?", Piccolo said.

I stood confidently with a grumpy face, then turned around and walked to the edge of the lookout. That moment, Vegeta took the chance and quickly pushed me off the edge. The others were about to come after me, but Piccolo told them to stay in their place.

I kept falling down with my eyes closed and my arms crossed in front of my face, and, right before I reach the ground, I stopped. I opened my eyes, and I was surprised to see that I was floating in the air.

" really...UNBELIEVABLE!", I shouted with excitement then flew up as fast as I can until I reached the lookout. I could see everyone's shocked faces while I was flying around in circles. Just when I was starting to have fun, Vegeta teleported in front of me and tried to hit me again.

However, I discovered that I can do the same thing he did and teleported down with others.
"Oh, prince Vegeta.", I called for him, and he just landed in front of me:
Vegeta: It's almost impressive for an Earthling to have such great power. Where did you get it?

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