Hanging Out With The Z-fighters

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Iroka's pov:
I woke up early in the morning and turned to my left but I didn't find Cell there. He must have gone to the arena.

I stroked where he was laying and it was still warm. I got up and tidied the bed, then I washed my face, wore my ballet shoes and went outside.

As I suspected, I saw him asleep in the arena. I smiled at him, then a bright idea sparked in my mind.

I knelt near him and put my hand on his chest. Then, I closed my eyes and used a spell Gold Heart taught me to separate Android 18 from Cell with keeping his power as it is -to be honest, I didn't want him to get back the semi-perfect form, he looks like a giant talking frog in that form!-, 'God, please let this work.', I prayed then performed the spell's words: "Ugarit. Tashkent. Zaffar!"

After saying the three words, a blinding light surrounded us then 18 was separated from Cell after that light faded out.

"Now this will be a good surprise for Krillin.", I said to myself, then set 18 to wake up on the time when everything goes according to my plan and hid her in a far away cave so Cell won't find out about it.

Right then, I went to Kami's Lookout to see how the others were doing. There, I found everyone dripping sweat, but they were all happy to see me, even Vegeta:
Goku: Hey, Iroka! It's been a while.

Me(giggle): Goku. I was at your place just yesterday.

Goku: Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot about that.

Vegeta: For God's sake, Kakarot. How could you forget about that?! (turns to me)Hello, Iroka. You're looking good today.

Me: You look good too, Prince Vegeta.(bow then giggle)

Vegeta(laughs with me): If I know it right, friends don't need to be formal with each other.

Me: You mean you and I are...friends?😀

Vegeta: Of course, you silly girl. What else can we be?

Me: Vegeta has accepted me as a friend! Yay😄! Well, since we all are friends, how about we all go out and have some fun in the town?

Gohan: By having fun, you mean to play around?

Me: That's right, Gohan.

Trunks: And you want us all to go with you?

Me: Well, of course, Trunks. I want to have fun with my best friends! So? What do you say, guys?

Tien: I'm going with you.

Yamcha: Me too.

Krillin: Count me in.

Goku: This sounds like a good idea.

Gohan: I'm coming too.

Trunks: I'll go too.

Vegeta: You don't have to ask me twice. I'm coming as well.

Me(look at Piccolo): What about you, Piccolo? Don't you want to come?

Piccolo: I don't know.

Me: Oh, Piccolo. Pretty please🙁.(make a sad puppy eyes)

Piccolo(gives up): Alright. I'll come. Just stop making that cute face already.

Me *thought*: Yay😊.

We all flew down to the city and went an arcade place. There, everyone were playing -well, except Piccolo who was just watching them- while I found a karaoke machine, I stepped onto it and set the music on 'Tik Tok' by Kesha, 'Alright. Let's rock the house😎!', I thought then began singing:
"Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like P-Diddy
Grab my glasses I'm out the door I'm gonna hit the city

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