Hanging Out With Cell

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Iroka's pov:
I opened my eyes slowly, trying to remember what happened in the last fifteen minutes, and I saw everyone gathered around me.

"Hey! Good to have you back!", Goku said happily and I had completely no idea what he meant with that.

"Yeah. You got us worried sick about you.", Trunks replied and everyone agreed with him, "How are you feeling now?", asked Piccolo while helping me to my feet.

"My head hurts a little, but I think I'll be fine. Man, I feel like I had the worst nightmare eve-", I gasped at the view of the destroyed trees around me, then I realised what happened to me, "Oh my god. Guys, I... I didn't hurt any of you, did I?", I asked hoping that I really did not hurt anyone.

"Of course not. Don't be a fool. Just next time, try to control your anger, so you won't worry so much.", Vegeta said with a determind tone, then I started crying and they all tried to comfort me:
Gohan: Iroka. Calm down, you don't have to cry.

Tien: Great job, Vegeta! You made her cry!

Vegeta: What?! I just asked her nicely to try and control her anger next time!

Goku: Guys, we're just making her feel worse. Stop fighting.

Me😢: I'm sorry... I'm a horrible girl... I almost killed you!😣

Yamcha: No, Iroka. Don't blame yourself.

Piccolo: He's right. You were subconscious, you didn't know what you were doing.

Krillin: Calm down, Iroka. Everyone is okay and you're still our friend.

Me😦: I... I am?

Goku: Sure.

Vegeta: Don't you even dare to doubt it.

Me: Guys. I... Thank you, guys. You are truely the best friends I ever had.

We all were happy that I was calm. Suddenly, I saw Cell standing behind a tree and smirking at me, and I didn't like it.

Today is my last day as his entertainment, and I was pretty sure he would dispose of me when I sing for him tonight.

Anyway, I bid the guys farewell and they all went back home to prepare for tomorrow.

Then, I felt strong arms wrapping around me then carrying me in bridal style to see that it was Cell.

He took me flying off to somewhere, "You do know that I can fly by myself, right?", I asked and he just smirked at me.

Sometimes, I was really pissed off by it!

"True. But that way, you won't enjoy the view.", he said and I didn't understand what he meant until I looked down.

The sun was almost setting so everything was colored with pretty orange rays. I was happy about the view, and I don't know if I was imagining or not, but my eyes caught a sight of Cell smiling at me.

After an hour of flying, Cell landed on top of a mountain surrounded by green areas, it was also a good spot for watching sunset.

I was really amazed by the view that I didn't notice him wrapping his arms around me and leaning at my shoulder that I could feel his hot breath on my ear, "Sing for me, Iroka. Let me hear your delightful voice for the last time."... Okay. Now that...was an awkward task. Was he referring to my death or his when he said 'for the last time'?

I didn't think of it so much, and started singing 'Fly' by Hilary Duff:
"In a moment everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute all the world can wait
Let go of your yesterday

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing and take control?

Fly... Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life and start to try
'Cause it's your time... Time to fly

All your worries, leave them somewhere else
Find a dream you can follow
Reach for something when there's nothing left
And the world's feeling hollow

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing and take control?

Fly... Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life and start to try
'Cause it's your time... Time to fly

And when you're down and feel alone just wanna run away
Trust yourself and don't give up
You know you're better than anyone else

In a moment everything can change
Feel the wind on your shoulder
For a minute all the world can wait
Let go of yesterday
Fly... Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life and start to try
Fly... Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life and start to try
'Cause it's your time... Time to fly
In a moment everything can change"

When I finished singing, Cell removed his arms from me and I walked forward a little to enjoy the moonlight and the night breeze that blew through my hair.

That's when I felt Cell getting closer to me, I looked above my shoulder to see that he prepared his tail to absorb me.

"So that was your plan from the beginning, huh?", I said making him freeze in place, "That tail of yours. I know what it's capable of. You would absorb me right now, wouldn't you?", I asked then turned around to face him.

In fact, I didn't expect to see him shocked like that, "To be honest, Dr. Gero really cared about your design more than the other androids. You were designed to be perfect, after all.", I said then he wrapped his tail tightly around my body with its pointy end directed at my neck and pulled me closer to him.

"You're going to kill me now, right?", I asked with a shivering voice. And, to my complete surprise, he kissed me passionately on the lips. It was like he wanted to say: "Kill you? Not at all. I have other plans for you."

Suddenly, I felt a sting on my neck and knew that the pointy tail was planted deeply in it, he broke from me and looked at my shocked face:
Me: Cell, what are you-? Ah.

Cell: Don't worry about it. I'm just injecting you with a harmless sleeping drug, that's all.

Me😩: I...highly...doubt it.

Cell: Don't fight it, Iroka. Just take it in and have a nice deep sleep.

Me(stretch my hand to reach him): Cell.😴

Cell's pov:
Asleep at last. I was starting to think that she would resist the drug even more.

Anyway, I unwrapped my tail from her, carried her in bridal style then took her to the house. There, I took off her ballet shoes, took off her hair band letting her hair droop at my arm as I put her in bed. I looked at her face carefully... She looks like an angel... Woah! Wait! What am I thinking?!... This is really getting out of my control... I put my hand on her cheek and caressed it softly earning a low groan from her, that made me chuckle a little.

I then kissed her forehead and started humming a song I heard... What was it called? 'Eyes on me', I guess?... "When it's all over, I'd like to hear it from you.", I whispered to her then went to the arena for rest.

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