Towa and Mira Again

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The next four days were the same, I would sing for Cell each night, and sometimes I go to Kami's Lookout to check on Goku and the others.

'Well, this is it. Tomorrow is the big day. The Cell Games will be taking place, and the whole world will be watching. Oh, God, I hope neither the Z-fighters nor Cell would get hurt.', I thought to myself and walked deeper into the forest to clear my mind.

Cell's pov:
So, this is it. Wow! Those days passed faster with Iroka around to entertain me with her delightful voice.

Anyway, it's surely a pitty that today's song would be her last... Or would it be?... Through these past few days, I had a strange feeling towards her that kept growing up until this very moment.

What did humans call this feeling again? Love?... No! That's absolutely nonsense! I can't be in love with her!... "Damnit! I'm so confused about a stupid feeling for that girl!", I said to myself then looked at the sky, "Well, thinking again, I do love her voice, her face, her compassion, her actions. I love everything about her. She's just...perfect.", I said then went back to training for tomorrow, but my thoughts were focused on Iroka.

'Gosh, I must concentrate on the tournament. I'll forget about her for now.', I thought then continued my training.

Iroka's pov:
The forest was so quiet. I liked the quiet anyway, it helps me to think better.

I picked a flower and began to tear up the petals one by one, "He loves me. He does not. He loves me. He does not. He loves me. He does not. *reach the last petal* He... He loves me! Oh, my God!", I said while blushing like crazy.

"I'm not sure who are you talking about, but I'm very confident that he loves without you torture that flower.", I heard a familiar voice and turned around to see who it was.

"Piccolo.", I said with a smile and my Namekian friend returned the smile then sat next to me. "What are you doing here? Aren't you training today?", I asked but he stayed silent.

Then, I felt that something was wrong in the picture, I looked at my hand and saw Piccolo's hand on it. "Um... Piccolo? This feels wrong, don't you think?", I said with my face as red as tomato.

To my surprise, Piccolo blushed and pulled his hand away, "I'm sorry!", he said with his face turning from green to red. I just giggled then we both looked up:
Piccolo: Uh... Iroka?

Me: Hm? What is it, Piccolo?

Piccolo: I-I like you, somehow. Not as a friend, but more than this. I wanted to tell you that the day we went with you to the arcade, but you said you already had a boyfriend so I preferred to keep liking you only as a friend.

Me😮: Piccolo.

Piccolo: Gosh. Why am I saying this? If I was a true friend, I should be happy for you, and I am. I'm really happy you have found your true love, Iroka.

Me: Oh, my. Piccolo, I... I'm really speechless. I didn't know you felt like this towards me. (kiss his cheek)Thanks for your honesty, Piccolo. I love you and the others very much, as my best friends of course.

Piccolo😶: Well, I... Uh...

Me(giggle): You look really cute when you're blushing, Picco.

Piccolo😶😶: P-Picco?!

Me💭: Wow. He's really embarressed.

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