chapter 2

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I couldn't find her anywhere in the bar.

i was just about to call her when i heard her laugh, i looked at the direction where the laugh had come from and i saw blond hair outside.

i went outside to follow her and saw her draining blood out off somebody's neck, but she wasn't the only one. Marcel was drinking from the victims wrist.

what if she didn't turn her emotions back on ever again i thought,

NO i won't give up on her, i will help her turn it on i will help her progress everything what happened because if her emotions are back she can't get trough it by herself.

"Klaus" what an pleasant surprise Marcel said. i looked at Caroline, the girl i left behind in mystic falls was gone...

 i smiled at Marcel. i looked back at Caroline.

 you two know each other? Marcel asked looking at Caroline.

 yes she replied. she is someone i used to know.

well that is good news i want to invite you both for a party tomorrow it starts at eight. Klaus you know where it is huh. Marcel said.

 it was a pleasure to meet you he kissed the back off her hand and he was gone.

are you going to tell me what made you turn it off, i asked.

oh please not you to i already had this conversation with Stefan.i really don't feel like having it again.

well i can always compel you i said taking a step closer to her.

and why do you even care why i turned my emotions. because i care about you Caroline, yes.. i.. care.. about.. you.. i said a little harder.

she smiled i don't care about you Klaus and i don't care that you care about me she said.

okay that hurt i thought.she walked passed me but i grabbed her wrist, i looked her in her eyes i'm not giving up on you i said calme. I DON'T CARE she shouted. i let go off her wrist and she walked away.


after i hanged up on Klaus i went upstairs to pack my back.

And when i came down and just was about to leave Damon and Elena came downstairs.where are u going? Elena asked. to new Orleans, Caroline is there and Klaus and i are going to help her turn it back on i replied.

KLAUS!!?? as in the big bad hybrid Klaus Damon said.

yes last time i checked that is the only Klaus we know i smiled.

i wanna go with you Elena said. NO Damon said. i agree with Damon i said it is too dangerous for you.

i can ha... Elena tried to say but Damon interrupt her no you are staying here.

but... she tried no you aren't going anywhere end off discussion. okay but can i at least bring you to the airport Elena asked. sure i said. i'll go too damon said.

my flight was going to leave at seven A.M.

the flight would last three hours.

when i came out off the airplane it was 10 A.M. i saw Klaus standing by his car,he waved at me and i waved back.

so where is our sweet Little Caroline i asked Klaus. she is probably at the bar he replied. we'll first bring your stuff at my place and then we go see her he said. okay i said. 

when we arrived at his House the first thing i toughed was how big it was. it was bigger than his house back at mystic falls. Klaus showed me me his guest room. i dumped my stuff and went downstairs to the car and we drove to the bar Caroline would probably be.


i was at the bar and ordered another bourbon. i had way to much but i didn't care.i was Klaus coming in, i grinned this could be a fun night because i knew he liked me and with some bourbon i smirked but that smirk disappeared when i saw the one who was behind him.

they had come sit next to me.Stefan i said what a pleasant surprise i said sarcastic.

do you mind if we join you he said.

yes actually i do, so... i said when i stood up from my chair. and walked away. i was surprised they just let me go like that.


so Stefan, can you tell me what made her turn it off i mean i know what happened but i didn't expected it from Caroline she is such a strong person Klaus asked me.

well if you want to understand want happened to her i have to start from when you left.

she had stayed at my place with Elena but she was there later than Elena. when she came home she told us that you would leave and that Tyler could come back but we were confused because she looked not happy at all she even looked sad. she cried in her room the whole night i was the only one noticed it because i went to check up on her. the next day she called Tyler but he never answered. so summer went by and she /we had never talked to Tyler or Bonnie.

so Elena and Caroline went to college with just the two off them. i heared from Elena that Caroline had meet someone. but than we heard from Jeremy that Bonnie was dead. so they had come back from college. Tyler had come back to support her but left soon so he could take revenge on you... so that guy that Caroline had meet (Jessie) died because he had attacked Damon and Elena stabbed him. a day later she got a call from that werewolf hayley and she told Caroline that she had slept with Tyler since he had come back from breaking his sire bond with you (i looked at Klaus who was really angry)

Caroline first thought that she had lied to piss her off but when she called Tyler and asked him he sais it was true. a say after that her mom got an  car accident and had died. and then....(i took a deep breath and looked at Klaus) then she had turned it off. that's..uhm..quite a story he said. yeah i sigh.

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