Shark Boy And Lava "Girl"?

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And now

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And now. The moment you've all been waiting for. WHAT HAPPENED AT THE HALLOWEEN PARTY!?!?
There was a lot of people in different costumes, matching costumes, or nothing at all. I'm just gonna say the really weird things. First my friends and I played musical chairs. We made a pact where if one of us goes out we all go out. So two of my friends were out and I was still in and I just left because 1. I didn't even want to play, and 2. The pact. The next weird thing that happened was, my friend who was playing musical chairs with me, he needed to grab this pencil thing from his dad's car. I don't know what it was but it was like something to color his lips or something. He was apparently a dead dog? I really don't know. So we go outside and look for the car. We're running around the school parking lot like stowaways that just robbed a freaking bank! We passed the stupid car about 2, 3 times! We didn't see it the first time because there was this guy who was putting on an inflatable dinosaur costume right next to the car, so we couldn't see! Then, just as we're about to go back inside, I see the car and yell "IS THAT IT!?!?" and my friend says "OH MY GOD IT IS!!!" So, we go to the car and my friend says "WE COULDN'T SEE IT BECAUSE OF THE FREAKING DINOSAUR!!!" Then he gets what he needs to get, does what he needs to do and we head back inside. And the fake fan who's annoying, was a FREAKING DEAD HOTDOG!!! I can't even. And while we were getting candy I said "Let's take a selfie!" and my friend won DRAGGED ME ACROSS THE FREAKING PARKING LOT took out his phone and took a selfie with me, himself, the fake fan, and some other random girl in my class. During the selfie I say "(Fake fan's name) your hotdog head is in my way!" Then she moves her head in front of me on purpose! Who does that!?!? Sorry for the layer update by the way. I'm very stressed. I'll try to make this quick. At school we have this thing called missing homework slips. I think they're pretty self-explanatory, but in case you don't know, at my school we get them if you don't do your homework. If you get three missing homework slips then you get a detention. (School rules are so stupid sometimes) While I was doing my homework, I noticed that I forgot multiple things. Some more important than others. The thing is, I don't wanna get in trouble AGAIN with my parents. I'm just sick of always getting in trouble for stupid things and getting blamed for literally everything. (Yeah, I know I say literally in every literal sentence shut it I've literally been watching LeafyIsHere so literally don't blame me) Now don't get the wrong idea. Most of the things I get yelled for is my fault. I'm just kind of... Different? I'm bipolar but not bipolar. You get me? What I'm trying to say is I act like I'm bipolar, but I'm not diagnosed or proved to be. And I'm LITERALLY convinced that I'm LITERALLY a bad person. To my family that is. I'm not gonna get into detail right now... Like I said, I'm different. I'm not like any of my kids in my class. Sure we have some similarities, but I'm still different. I don't like being compared to others. I've told my parents this at least two times and they don't get it. Like Tyler said "No one else is dealing with your demons." And when I hear that quote, I know that nobody knows what I'm going threw. Once again, sorry for the late update. Looking forward to seeing my crush though. Lol... I'm depressed! :D (kill me) (...) (pls don't) Also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! (It is Halloween, right?)

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