This isn't a vision-

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Your POV

After the minor mishap in the woods at 4 am you and the crew went into the Inn."Can we book a room?" "Of course. Singles?" "I looked at them as they nooded."Yes,that would be great!" The women brought you to your rooms. "Here you go!" She gave you the keys which were shaped like bunnies,cute! You opened the room to see an immaculate room.The bed sheets were perfectly straight next a wooden bed side table.There was nothing else,but this was all you needed. You jumped onto the bed feeling a soft matress.You soon fell asleep on this comfortable bed. "Sweety you are ruining the party. Everyone one there.Will die." You imagined the ashes on your apartment floor."They would never!They're to strong!" "You know I can see the future. Sans will die Papyrus will die Undyne will die everyone will die.Except you. Papyrus, when he said all those things he wasn't joking,they all love you." "Thats crazy!" "How do I know when you wake up there will be a figure unseen that will talk to you? Wake up." You woke up and looked around. Still the same."I'm here."
"W-who are you?" You uttered out."That doesn't matter." "Guys stop this prank!" ""Oh Y/N so niave. Its cute." "V-very funny you can stop now." "Aww so cute you think this is a joke? Well guess what? Its not." "You cant do anything this is just a vision." You reassured yourself."If this was a vision could I do this?" Suddenly some sort of force pinned you hands against your bed frame. You struggled to move but you couldn't. "Please don't struggle." Who was this person? "Who are you?!" "Let's just find that out later." This is that vision you had come true. "Sans!" "Haha like he can stop me." Your door slammed open.
"Y/N what's wrong!?" He saw you pinned to the bed and ran over to you.

"Y/N what happened?" "Sans,been awhile." He turned away from you looking to the voice."Y/N who is this?" "I don't know help-" Your mouth was shut as you squirmed around.He grabbed your hands and they didn't budge."Sans stop it." You managed to move your mouth "Chara!" You managed to yell out. Sans looked at you, you signaled him to hide under the bed. "Oh crap." The figure didn't talk.Suddenly. Chara appeared."Y/N!" She went to the figure in the corner that even you couldn't see.You don't know what she did but that figure was gone."Are you okay?" She slid to you and smiled."Y-yeah I'm fine." You let your arms down. She looked at you and leaned in.No matter how hard you tried you couldn't lean back far enough.Her lips touched yours and she grabbed your chin pulling you closer.You kept your eyes open waiting for it to end.

Sans POV

I heard it.I saw it.They kissed even though I wanted to stop it I couldn't. You were scared of her."I love you
Y/N." I felt my heart break."I don't feel the same Chara,I'm sorry." I heard her jolt up and storm out angry.I got up from under the bed and looked at Y/N."Y/N." "Yes Sans?"

"I love you to,more than anything. Since I meet you I immediately feel for you.I know that you probably don't feel the same but I love you Y/N, I love you." I began to walk out of the hotel room.I felt her grab on my sleeve."I knew you ment it." She pulled me close and kissed me.

There you guys go! Yay something happened! Have a great day my nerdos!

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