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he cut me off

with a kiss

my eyes widened when I realized what was happening . my heart raced and I felt myself getting hot . he probably could feel my heart racing . he pulled away and looked at me

" that was an easy $50 " he smirked

I was so shocked I didn't speak

" why didn't you kiss me back ? "

he sounded a little disappointed

" uh- "

" I'm just joking " he chuckled " HEY JIMIN , WHERE'S OUR $50 !!?!! " he yelled

jimin ran to the room in lightning speed and saw taehyung on top of me . his body tensed up and eyes widened ( lol what eyes , okay sorry ) then he relaxed a little

" how do I know you two kissed if I didn't see it " he asked rubbing his chin

suddenly taehyung kissed me again and this time I kissed back . his lips were unexpectedly warm and soft . it was totally addicting . I realized that we were kissing for a long time , at least it felt like it and I pulled away first. jimin was in total shock

" where's our money " taehyung smirked

jimin fumbled around and get out his wallet " uh oh guys I only have $100 "

" we'll just split it " taehyung reached for the money and put it away

" you guys still have 20 minutes left you know " jimin said

" yeah , yeah whatever " taehyung scoffed and jimin left

we heard him run down the stairs and he yelled about me and taehyung kissing

" aish , this guy " taehyung rubbed the back of his neck

" what are we going to do for the next 20 " I sighed and sat down on the bed . taehyung suddenly tacked me and pinned me down again and ticked me more .

" NOOOOO " I laughed

I can't give in !! I can't give in !!

with every ounce of my strength I turned over and pushed myself up with my arms and knees to crawl away but taehyung was too strong . I grabbed his arms and managed to hold them far enough away from my body . he giggled like a little kid and I couldn't help but smile .

" are you falling for me " he asked

uhh umm .. hmm ....

" pshh you wish " I scoffed

" interesting , every other girl falls for me with a single glance and I kissed you twice " he smirked " you should consider yourself lucky "

" kissing you was more of an unlucky thing " I scoffed

" oh really .. " he raised an eyebrow
" then why did you kiss me back " his smile was the devils

my heart started to race and I felt my face burn

" you're blushing , you must've like the kiss "

" n-no " I stammered

he leaned down and our lips were a few centimeters apart now . A lightbulb went off in my head and I leaned it and closed the gap I between our lips . he kissed me back automatically and I pulled away quickly . I saw a little bit of disappointment in his face and my heart started to race .

why does my heart race every time I look at you

" I kissed you , you should feel honored , you kissed me back too " I smirked

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