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** two months later **

" your turn lyd " rylee said getting up from the chair .

I sat down next and got my makeup and hair done . we were currently at the Seoul Music Awards . I can't believe I'm here right now , it's like those three months became three weeks . After this is our last awards show which is the MAMA . to me I feel like it's the one that I have to do my best on ... it's just this feeling , it's probably because it'll be our last one util next year .

I was super nervous . I was really anxious and stressed out , and I have been for the last two month previous to this event .

taehyung still hasn't replied or contacted me at all about the issue . although the issue did die down ..

to add on , this was our first live performance . I wanted us to do extremely well . I know we've been practicing really hard and every routine was perfect but I couldn't stop myself from thinking of the worst case scenario(s) .

" please sit still miss " the stylist said in a calm voice .

" oh , sorry " I apologized .

I didn't even know I was fidgeting so much . I liked this stylist , she was kind and when she spoke it's as if she was trying to comfort me . to tell me not to be nervous . I eased up a bit and soon enough I was finished with my hair and makeup .

I called nikki to go next and I looked at myself in the mirror . I had a natural look that suited me well but still .. who was this person ? I never wear makeup and ... wow , it does magic .

we still had time to kill so I went on my phone . there was still no surprise text from taehyung I was still expecting . that made my heart ache and I plugged in my earphones and listened to music to calm myself .

after a few songs someone pulled one of the earphones out of my ear , getting my attention .

" lyd , the first performance is going to start ! "

we gathered by a tv in the dressing room that broadcasted the events on stage . the emcees opened up the program and the performances started . people performed , awards were given and so on and so forth .

got7 was then called to get ready for their performance over the speakers back stage . we continued to watch on the tv screen . soon got7 was getting ready to go on stage .

the music cued and got7 spread out on stage getting getting into their dancing formation . jinyoung started to sing and they danced perfectly . their whole routine was perfect and they didn't seem nervous at all , is it because this is our first time performing I'm this nervous ?

they went on to their next song . jackson started his verse and they all moved perfectly . they sang their parts and transitioned perfectly . the song finished and they exited breathing heavily .

I pray we perform as well as they did . we perform after the next two performances !

my palms started to sweat even though the room has AC . I kept wiping my hands on my pants leg but it didn't seem to help . my hands were hot yet cold and were slippery from the sweat like what the heck ! I didn't enjoy the feeling at all . when the next performance finished my stomach had the worst feeling ever .

everyone else was more or less the same . we were all really tense and it was noticeable . if we perform enough we'll stop getting nervous right ? I'll try keep it in mine for future performances ; that's if I can survive this one .

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