Chapter 6: First day of classes

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Sage still ended up waking up before any of her teammates despite how tired she was. She put her on her uniform and fixed her necklace so the pendent faced forward.

Not long after Sage had woken up, Raine and Luna woke up. After they were all ready... they were forced to push Ocean out of bed in order to wake her up since she wouldn't wake up any other way.

"Alright I'm up!" She yelled. Once that was over with they all sat down on their beds

"Alright then... let's talk about classes!" Raine announced as she got out the schedule "At 9:00 we have-"

"Wait did you say 9:00?" Sage interrupted

"Um... yeah why?"

"You idiot! It's 8:56, we're gonna be late!!" Sage shrieked as she ran out

"Wait what about breakfast?!" Raine shouted

"We have toast! Get the toast!" Sage shouted as she ran down the corridor, all at once Raine ran towards the toast and started shoving pieces into her mouth before running out the door with the rest of the girls.

~time skip~

"And that class is why... you don't ride on a nevermore and if you ever do you... please... listen to when your partner tells you to jump." Professor Belladonna stated. She had just shown the class her team's and team JNPR's initiation day footage, everyone couldn't  help but laugh at when the Wiess Schnee fell out of the sky and get caught by Juane, only to fall the rest of the way and land on top of him. "Also today I wanted to talk to you all about something..." Blake said which got everyone's attention "It's not really Mandatory for me to teach you but... when I attended Beacon everyone dismissed the little things that only my team seemed to notice. Which eventually led to our school being ambushed." She paused "When I took this class back when I attended our Professor, took the entire class time to talk about himself. However that's something that I won't do." She smiled at the memory of Professor Port "Further more to get to the point... for the next few months I will be teaching you about how to be better prepared for an attack, if it ever were to happen again." The bell rung "You are to dismissed and as Professor Port used to say... stay vigilant." She added as everyone filed out of the classroom and made their way to lunch

"Finally! I'm starving! Come on let's get to lunch." Sage said as she began walking away fast, her 3 teammates ran to catch up with her

"Wait up Sage!"

"Damn your a fast walker."

"Why are you so fast woman?!"

Sage suddenly stopped and spun around causing her teammates almost crash into her.

"Hey, I told you that I'm hungry and when I'm hungry I tend to walk faster then normal, so I suggest you all hurry up." And with that turned around and began speed walking again, making her teammates have to run to catch up with her again.

~time skip to when they make it into the cafeteria~

When team SOLR finally made it to the cafeteria they were called over by team CBLT

"Hey SOLR! Over here!" They walked over

"What do you want Cody?" Raine asked crossing her arms

"Nothing, but me and my team saw you lovely ladies in need of somewhere to sit." He answered

"And..." Raine asked, she could clearly tell that wasn't it

"That other information is classified." He replied smirking

"It's cuz we're girls right?" Sage asked

"That and... the only other open table is the Jack-ass table or should I say Jack Miter aka leader of team JRGN." He said pointing to a table that had a guy standing on a much smaller student and laughing at him

"Ow! Please get off of me." The student squeaked as the boy standing on top of him pressed his foot down harder

"Not until you say sorry for spilling milk on me and say that I'm the greatest." The boy standing on top of him demanded with an evil grin on his face

"My God Jack. Can you be any more immature?" Raine stepped in team CBLT and JRGN looked at her like she was crazy but the boy -whose name was Jack - still had an evil grin on his face

"Well, isn't little Miss Raine. Why don't you be like the song and go away." Raine gritted her teeth

"Oh shut up, and get off of that poor guy." She snapped, Jack got off of the guy but walked closer to Raine

"Someone's in a bad mood today." He crouched down slightly so he was eye level with her, that villainess smile never leaving his face

"Whatever, but it looks like someone hasn't grown up yet and quite possibly never will." She replied, now it was her turn to smile and Jack's turn to stop smiling. By now everyone in the cafeteria had silenced and turned their attention to them, you could almost feel the tension rise in the room.

Raine and Jack glared in what seemed to be a never ending staring contest, that is before Luna and Sage decided to step in between the two

"Ok that's enough." Luna

"I agree, why don't we all just walk away from this and pretend like this never happened." Sage added, but her and Luna's words went almost unnoticed if Jack hadn't acknowledged their voices. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the two girls

"I'm sorry... and you might be?" He asked rudely, just as Luna was just about to speak Raine put her hand up to silence her

"They don't concern you. Come on let's go get our lunch." Raine began walking away and her teammates followed but Sage still somehow managed to be at the front of the line for food, by now everyone in the cafeteria had begun talking and minding their own business again, but Jack kept his eyes trained on the 3 girls that were with Raine. One of them was a cat faunas with yellow and blue hair, the one that Raine had silenced had long white hair and magenta colored eyes, and finally the one with the long dark hair and had some blue in it, 'oh well I'll worry about those 4 bitches later.' He thought as he sat back down and ate his lunch

Sorry this if this chapter kind of sucked... but some very specific people kept demanding that I freaking update. I'm looking at you ArielBradon and LunaLaling.
Also... Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but in my defense... WRITERS BLOCK SUCKS!!!! So yeah question for ArielBradon and LunaLaling ... did you guys guess who some of the characters from teams CBLT and JRGN are based off. Also the way you pronounce JRGN is Dragon for those of you who were wondering


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