Chapter 16: Fools

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Don't start shipping these people after this chapter and don't get any ideas either *looks at ArielBradon* and also read the entire A/n at the end


The girls all woke up to a knock at the door

"Who the hell is knocking at our door at 3 am in the fricking morning!" Ocean whisper yelled, Raine shrugged as she turned on the lamp next to her bed.

"Coming!" Sage yelled tiredly 'Whoever the hell this is, better have damn good reason for waking us all up so fucking early, and I was actually having a relatively good dream and I mean an actual dream! Not a vision or some shit!' Sage thought as she begrudgingly opened the the door. "Yes...?" She trailed as she opened the door, she saw Cody standing their in his Pj's which were just sleep pants. His hair was messy and there were dark circles under his eyes which widened as he saw she answered the door 'Oh why do you hate me so much God?!?!?!' He thought "Cody? Is there something you need?" She raised an eyebrow 'Great! What could this asshole want and at 3 am in the fucking morning?!' She thought

"Please don't kill me for this." He muttered

"Excuse me? I didn't-" Sage was cut off as Cody gave her a quick peck on the cheek, there was a bright flash. Both team leaders looked to where the flash came from and saw Jack standing their with a picture of Cody kissing Sage's cheek. Jack stood there holding his scroll up while trying not to laugh at both of there blushing faces

"You knew she would come to the door? Didn't you?" Cody asked angrily while blushing

"No, but I did plan on taking a picture." He laughed while looking at the photo again "This SO going in the school newspaper." He added, Sage clenched her fists walked toward Jack slowly

"Jack. I swear to God if you so much as dare give that to the school newspaper..." she pushed him up against the wall her dark brown eyes looked at him with fury "God so help me I'll beat you till you practically can't breath and believe me, you might have the semblance of Aura weaponry but I also have some tricks up my sleeve and I am fully capable of kicking your ass. Now..." She trailed, her eyes turned blue "Are we Fucking clear?" He nodded his head as he trembled with fear "Good." She said as she turned around to go back in her room

"Damn. For someone so small you can be very scary." She nodded but before she reentered the room she looked at him

"Same goes for you Cody." She said as she closed the door


"Luna come on! Hurry up and get your weapon were going to be late for Ms.Goodwitch's class." Raine said as she waited impatiently for her partner

"I'm coming I finally got my locker...o...pen..." she trailed as she opened her locker, thousand's of small slips of paper came falling out of her locker. She picked one up and read aloud "Waildebeast?" She said as she looked at her partner who was now on the ground laughing her ass off "Did you really...?"

"Yep." Raine said through her laughter "April fools!!"


The girls all walked through the hallway when Lune noticed Ocean doing something to her hand

"Uh... Ocean? What are you doing to your hand?" She asked

"Oh just drawing on it." She said as she showed her hand which was covered in different colored marker to the point of that the parts of her hand that weren't colored were turning blue.

"Oh my god Ocean, you should really stop." Raine said

"Yeah you could get ink poisoning." Sage added as she tried to grab the marker from Ocean, she moved it away quickly.

"Nah! I'll be fine!" She reassured her teammates

~2 days later~

"I made a mistake." Ocean coughed as she laid sick in a hospital bed due to ink poisoning. Her teammates all face palmed themselves and shook their heads

"I told you." Sage muttered

April Fools... Bitches.😜 You all probably thought it was going to be real chapter after I've made y'all wait this long but... NOPE!!!
A.K.A I purposely made this chapter random so don't be telling me any negative shit in the comments. Anyways nothing in this chapter actually happened in the real story so that peck on the cheek between Cody and Sage never happened and neither did the part where Ocean went to hospital but the scene with Luna an Raine did happen. Next chapter will be a real one and for all Rosewick fans be on the look out for the upcoming Rosewick chapter.


P.s. If you were  offended when I called you a bitch, it was a joke lighten up, it's April fools day!!! And sorry if your still offended.

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