5; mesmerizing

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Shiloh Paige;


"Shiloh why are you in
Mr. West's bed?"

My eyes snap open instantly and I picked my head up from August's chest to see Danielle in her usual hospital scrubs: a small smile on her aging face. She knows.

"Oh I was just--"

She stopped me quickly shaking her head, "Please control him Shiloh you really need to put that boy in his place and I better not find out your having a baby anytime soon."

I blush and nod in embarrassment, "Do you know if he's getting discharged today?"

"Yeah just do a quick check up on him then he's able to leave." She smiled before walking out of the door to leave us alone.

I sighed and turned my head to see August sleeping next to me: his strong tan arms wrapped around my waist enabling for me to move. His chest slowly rose and fell--his plump lips slightly parted as he snored lightly. His thick Carmle locks fell into
his face covering
his forehead.

I grabbed his wrist so I could get his arm off my waist but his eyes popped open revealing his mocha orbs. In an instant he straddled my waist pinning my wrist down
onto the hospital bed.

He barred his teeth at me, growling until he realized it was me--he let go of my wrist.

"Your kinda crushing me." I breathed out making him climb off me, he sat on the bed chuckling scratching the back of his neck.

"My bad, it's a reflex."

"It's okay." I replied trying to climb out of the hospital bed but he grabbed my arm gently pulling me back down making me glare at him, he just stuck out his bottom lip

"Where are you going?" He grumbled pulling me onto his lap and began to kiss my neck gingerly making me giggle and place my hands on his chest trying to push him away

"Don't you want to leave?"

"Only if I'm with you."

"Then I have to do a few check ups then we can leave." I stated making him groan and let go of me making me beam and climb out

I took the clipboard and began to check all of his vitals and turned off the machines.
"Let me check you ribs again."

He pulled up his hospital gown to reveal the large wrap around his stomach. I carefully pulled it back to see the wound and stitches had healed perfectly making me smile. I pulled down his shirt, "I'm going to drop this off while I'm gone you can go get changed."

He just sat there looking at me with a smile; I squinted my eyes at him

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because your so beautiful."

I just smile and shake my head slipping on my shoes and opening the door to the hectic hallway. I greet everyone in the hallway and began to fill out the paper to discharge August. Once I was done, I quickly walked back to his room once I opened the door I
saw a naked August.

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