22; fire

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Shiloh Paige

"I didn't do it."

August rolled his eyes tear filled eyes at me and scoffed before taking another whiff of the cigarette, "Bullshit, I heard you talking about it yesterday. Why do you always have to remind me of her: when you know it makes me fucking depressed."

I calmly told him: "Please stop yelling, you're going to wake everyone up."

"I don't give a shit, let them know you're a cold heartless Luna." That's enough, know I don't care if people hear us.

I growled at him and jabbed my finger at him, "How many times do I have to repeat myself?! I did not play that party august!"

"How can I trust your ass? Maybe my dad is right, you don't care about me, you just want my money." He stated making me clench my fist together, tears began to fill my eyes.
That one hurt.

"Aww is the princess crying? Grow some tough skin, no one likes a cry baby

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"Aww is the princess crying? Grow some tough skin, no one likes a cry baby. Go crawl to your other boyfriends dick--what's his name again, oh yeah Ryker isn't it." He said coldly making me squint my eyes at him. I'm trying so hard to not push him off this balcony.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I know you were fucking him Shiloh! You came home with his fucking jacket and I saw that you were taking to him outside of your apartment! Stop trying to act so god damn innocent! That was probably your boyfriend calling at the restaurant." He screamed making clench my fist together in anger.

"I don't even know him--"

"Wow he's your one night stand,
how classy." He breathed out making my anger grow. I grabbed his cigarette out his hand and stepped on it with my cast,

"Fucking pay
attention to me for once." I hissed before beginning again. "He lives in the same fucking building as me! I talked to him twice and that's all: we aren't even friends. I'll never cheat on you!"

"Stop lying Shiloh! We both know you never loved me when you saw me dying on that damn hospital bed; I could see it on your face."

I threw the crutches down from my arms, I hobbled closer to him and pushed my finger at him again. "Don't you ever say I didn't love your stupid ass! You know god damn well I love you. I saved your life on January 2, 2017 when you came in almost dead on that gurney--that was the moment I started loving you, you asshole. I'll never stop loving you until I'm dead; we've both have been through hell and back together --and ill never want to hurt you. I knew that throwing a party would making you sad, because it reminded you of when your mom threw you parties for you birthday. I never threw that damn party."

He just stared down at me. The moon light illuminated his eyes that were red from crying, he licked him lips and looked away at the trees. He swiveled his eyes back at me and grabbing my face and smash his lips onto mine, he interlocked his fingers into my chocolate curls.

His large hands fell from my face and down to my legs, he picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck

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His large hands fell from my face and down to my legs, he picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pushed me against the wall, he began kissing my neck as my hands interlocked with his hair.

"Why the hell do you do this to me?" He mumbled out of breathe as
he nipped at my neck.

"Sorry I have that affect on some people."

"I'm sorry about what I said, I'll go beat Lea's ass tomorrow. Right now I just want to rip this dress off you." He muttered in my ear giving
me goosebumps.

"Trust me, I'll back you up." I replied kissing the mark on his neck. He scooped me up and closed the balcony door behind him, he placed me gently on the bed and pulled
the dress over my head.

"You're so--"
He was cut off from the fire alarm blaring throughout the house. We began to hear screams and I quickly slid the dress on, he pulled me into his arms and started running out of his arms.

"Everyone please file out in a calm manner." A man hollered in the crowd but people didn't listen, they were sprinting down the stairs 
and outside.

"What happened? Where is the fire?" I asked August who was done counting all the pack members making sure they were all out. I sat on the ground near the tree where everyone was: pack members were wearing pajamas with irritated looks.

"Ask your best friend, I bet she knows about it ." He simply stated with a small laugh making
me furrow my
brows in confusion.

I see her stumbling out of the house with white foam all over her, Chris was holding a burnt pan with a black solid in it. I think it's a cake because it had candles in it. August's face turned red like a tomato: I tried my best not to laugh.

"What the hell did you do!" August roared at his brother, who had a sheepish
smile on his face.

He held up the burnt dessert up to the alpha's face so he could see what it was,
"Happy Birthday."

;1,001 words
[I know it's hella short, I'm sorry]

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