28; good shit

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Shiloh Paige;

"Pick one of us."

I just sat there quietly playing with my chipped nail polish, hoping that if I was quiet they would not notice me. But obviously that wasn't how the world works: sadly.

"Shiloh." August stated touching my shoulder making me slap his large hand away,

"Don't touch me please." I croaked out fixing my hospital gown while pulling the large blanket higher up towards my neck. I hated how their eyes burned holes into me as I sat their avoiding their intense gazes.

I had to leave. I got up and carefully ripped out all the wired connected to my wrist, making the machines beep out of control. They all jumped to stop me but I pushed them out of the way, I saw that Chris had a bag of my clothes sitting on the chair. The hospital gown was open in the back so you can see my underwear, so I slipped on some sweat pants and slipped on my slides.

My IV was still connected to me so I dragged the pole along with me out the door.
"Let her breathe for a bit." Justine said making the two men stop.

I made my way through the hospital to the back garden, which consisted of a beautiful garden. I sat on one of the cement benches and placed my head into my hands trying to register what's happening. Then I felt someone sit next to me.

"I got the good shit."

I recognize the voice making me raise my head to see Lea holding a rolled up blunt in her hands with a wide smile on her face.

"Lea this is a hospital!" I hissed trying to slap it out of her hands.

"Remember in high school when we use to smoke all the time--"

"That was in high school, plus we are in public." I replied making her roll her eyes and
light the blunt.

"So? You're the Luna they don't give a shit, plus it helps with the pain."

Helps with the pain.

I snatched it out of her hands and took a long whiff of it making me just instantly relax. A smile emerged on my face instantly, I closed my eyes and let the smoke flow out.

"That's my girl."

We smoked for a few minutes before the joint was already gone, I felt light. I could barely feel the pain from my stomach.

"How'd you even find me?"

Lea giggled, "I could spot your big ass head from a mile away."

"Bitch." I mumbled playing with my hospital bracelet, "Do you have the emergency bottle?"

A smirk formed, "Of course I do."  Lea pulled out a small bottle of vodka and opened it for me, I quickly downed it feeling it burn the back of my throat.

"Thanks I really needed it."

"So how's it like to have two mates? Double the dick you lucky hoe." She said opening her own bottle.

I snorted, "Yeah sure, it means I'm also dying."

She froze, "Rosalina."

"You heard of her?"

"Who hasn't? Shiloh you better pick fast!" She said grabbing my shoulders making me look into her almond eyes.

" I don't know who--"

"August. He may be an asshole at times but you guys already have a connection."

"But with Ryker, what if I have a connection with him? I want to give him a chance as well."

She sighed and took a quick drink of the vodka, "Well it's your choice, so did that
son of bitch go to jail?"

"I don't know."

"Well he better, because im tired of the police getting away with murder, He could've killed an innocent person."

"That's how the world sadly works now."

"Well that's some bullshit."

I went to stand up but my legs instantly gave out on me making me collapse onto the cement. Lela dropped everything and instantly grabbed onto me, I screamed in pain grabbing my chest in pain.

"Make it stop! Please moon goddess
make it stop!"

"Shiloh decide right now."

; 678 words

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