20; beautiful psycho

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Shiloh Paige;

"What are you going to do for
August's birthday tomorrow?"

Chris furrowed his eyebrows together,
"His birthday is tomorrow?"

My jaw dropped in shock and I threw the pillow next to me at him, "Are you serious! You don't know your brother's birthday?!"

"No, he usually doesn't want us to celebrate it. Ever since mom died he hated when we did."

"Well that's going to change."

"What is?" August interrupted walking into the living room making me and Chris look
at each other in a panic.

"The fact that Lea and Chris are still not married, he's thinking of proposing." I whispered making sure the sleeping lea in chris' lap didn't wake up. August's brown eyes went huge and darted to chris.

"Are you seriously thinking of spending your
entire life with a psychopath!"

Chris growled, "Watch it and yes,
she's my beautiful psychopath."

"At least that's not my problem."

"Can you get me my jacket upstairs,
babe. I'm really cold." I asked him
with a small smile.

He rose an eyebrow and blankly stated "It's 70 degrees in here--"

My eyes began to water "I was in the pouring rain nearly dead, I didn't even think I was
going to make it--"

He groaned and nodded before shuffled away leaving us alone. When he finally disappeared Chris turned to me "You should be an actress."

"I know, Angelina Jolie doesn't have shit on me. So what should we do for him tomorrow?"

"What if he gets pissed?"

"Why would he? It's his birthday?"

"I don't know, he gets mad at everything."
He shrugged and then Lea sat up rubbing her eyes and grumbling non sense.

"You should make him get drunk as hell, don't make things to extreme because I don't think he'll like that: you know all the attention. Buy him weed or something--oh and some
other stuff guys like."

I thought of it for a second, "I know he won't like a party, but I want to throw him one."

"Fine but if he goes all
hulk it's not my fault."

"I heard 'hulk' stop talking shit about me Lea." August hissed as he handed me one of his sweatshirts and I pulled it on me. He sat down next to me, I leaned my head on his shoulder and began to play with my chocolate curls
making me blush.

"What do you want for your birthday." Lea blurred out making Chris' and my head snap towards her.
I'm going to kill her.

"Oh yeah it's my birthday tomorrow, I forgot."

"Chocolate." He blankly stated
making me choke in shock and Lea
stuck her tongue out at me.

"What?--Oh I know what you mean." Chris cheered fist bumping his older brother who was smiling. I hid my blushing cheeks in my hair but he pushed them away and pecked my lips.

"Yeah, but her leg is broken. We don't want her breaking another one; so what is that you want? "

"I don't want no party; I don't know I guess I want Chinese food or tacos."


"Come on wake up, let's do something for your birthday ." I claimed straddling his waist and kissed all over his face and neck.

"Shi, I told you I don't want anything special for my birthday; it just means I'm getting old." He gibbed kissing the mark on my neck as he rubbed circles into my bare hips.

"You aren't getting old, you're only 28. Now let's go do somewhere."

He smirked at me, "How are we going to do that baby girl, you are on crutches
in case you forgot."

"That won't stop me." I smiled as I rolled off the bed and got on my crutches and began
towards the bathroom.

"No Shiloh, let me help you! You might slip in the shower again!" He hollered jumping off the bed and following me into the bathroom.

"I'm capable of doing it."

He glared at me, "You said that last time, then you busted your ass in the shower. Now sit on the toilet and let me help take your clothes off."

I huffed and used my crutches to help me reach the toilet where I sat on the seat lid . He gently pulled the huge shirt off me and I slipped off my underwear. He turned the faucet for the huge tub and began to fill it with
warm water

"Where the bag for my cast?"

He opened the cabinet under the sink, "Right here, let me do it." He slipped on the bag over my leg cast and made sure it was close.

He picked me up bridal style and gently slid me in the tub making me smile at how warm it it. I made sure my hair was fully submerged, so it was wet.He pulled off his boxers and went in behind me: so I was leaning against his chest.

I went to grab the conditioner but he got it before I could, he opened it and squirted some into his hands and began to massage it into my scalp.
"It's your birthday, I should be pampering you." I giggled making him chuckle
and shake his head.

"You deserve it, you have to keep up with my difficult ass." He replied making me smile and turn around and splash water at him.

"Oh your dead." He stated before splashing some back at me and began to tickle my side making me scream in laughter.

"Okay Okay, I'm sorry." I laughed as I pushed his hands away,catching my breath

"Give me a kiss then."  He whispered puckering his lips and he pulled me close to him, I chuckle and grab his face between my hands and slowly kiss his luscious pink lips before pulling away.

"That's all I get?"

"You'll get more later."

; 1,272 words

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