26; repeated

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Ryker Delgado

"Why are you still here?"

I looked up to August. August West,
the alpha of the Infinite Pack.

His eyes blared with anger, I could see gleams of fire in his dark eyes. Those eyes burned holes into mine sending shivers down my spine. His fist were tighten, he bit on the inside of his cheek and his foot tapped on the floor.

"She's my mate." I replied crossing my arms leaning back in the living room chair. He just stood in front of me not believing what I said.

He rolled his eyes while sucking his teeth, "You are still on this bullshit lie omega?"

"It's not a lie, Shiloh Paige is my mate." I repeated calmly making him just chuckle.

"Get your weak ass out of here, she doesn't want you. You don't deserve her, she belongs to me, and only me. Ryker you better give up this little act quick, you almost killed me earlier--you are lucky I saved your damn life and now get out of my face before I end it."

I stared into his now onyx colored eyes. My fingers gripped the leather arm rest: trying to control my self from swinging at the Alpha. I took a breathe before replying, "I'm happy to get out of your face, especially with
Shiloh under my arm."

He clenched his jaw and went lunge at me but was stopped by an arm pulling him back. His beta and brother, Chris glared at his older brother. "Get in the car! We are going to the hospital."

The alpha barred his teeth at the younger brother, "I don't care that you got your dick stuck in the zipper of your jeans."

But chris was not laughing, or even smiling. He was serious for the first time in his life. "It's Shiloh. Shiloh was shot."

My heart dropped into my stomach, it felt like someone was choking me but there was no one, I tried to open my mouth to say something but I couldn't. August jaw clenched before sprinting outside and we began to follow him.

They got into their car and I was about to open the door to the back seat but August glared at me and locked the door before he drifted out of the driveway and speeding down the street. I got into my car as well and bolted towards
the hospital.

"Please moon goddess let our angel, Shiloh be okay please, I'm begging you."


Finally I arrived at the hospital. I already dreaded this damn place: it's where lives end but it's also where lives begin.

I let out a deep sigh before hurrying out of the car into the cold night. I scurried into the busy hospital lobby and awaited a small line of people In front of a frantic receptionist. I tapped my foot anxiously waiting seeing as the line got smaller.

A gurney came in with someone strapped in it and was screaming in pain as they pushed him into the long hallway; sent chills down my spine. A young mother cradled her young infant who was wrapped in a pink blanket and hat, a man pushed her out of the sliding
doors into the night.

"Sir! Sir you're next!" The receptionist hollered making me snap out of my daze. I look up to see her motioning me to hurry up.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry, um Shiloh Paige." I mumbled rubbing my face with my hands and leaning my elbows on the counter.

"You're relationship to the patient?"


She stopped typing and looked up at me suspiciously, her brown eyes narrowed at me and she sat up straight. "You're not alpha west sir, I'm pretty sure you're not her mate."

"It's complicated--can you just please let me in." I begged making her sigh and nod.

"First floor, you have to stay in the waiting room because she's currently in surgery right now."

I instantly nod and made my way down the hallway into the waiting room, which was empty except for two other people.
It was August and Chris.

"Do you want me to call security on you?" August sneered throwing his hood off his head to reveal his blood shot brown eyes.

"I'm good." I replied sitting across the room and leaned back in the uncomfortable hospital chair. August just glared at me while chris
gave me a weak smile.

"Why did they even let you in?!"

"Because I'm her mate."

His face scrunched up and he stood up and bolted to me. He stood in front of me looking into my eyes, "Stop repeating that same bullshit, it's a damn lie! Shiloh will never be your damn mate, Get your ass out of--"

"The mates of Shiloh Paige,
well she's out of surgery."

; 800 words

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