17; comeback

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August West

"Why is everyone so damn happy?"

I muttered as I watched people played football in the front yard. Children played tag, couples sat in the grass kissing and laying down looking at the clouds.

I saw Lea trying to climb the huge tree that sat in the middle, while Chris was trying to get her to get down. I don't even know how she
even graduated college.

I just rolled my eyes and took another puff of the cigarette, inhaling deeply before blowing out the smoke. It instantly calmed my nerves down a bit, but not enough only Shiloh could.

I heard the balcony door open, I didn't even turn around to look at the person. "Get the hell out before I'll drop kick your ass off this balcony."

"Didn't I tell you to stop smoking--
remember it's bad for you."

I almost dropped my cigarette, my eyes widened and turned around to see Shiloh standing there. Her Onyx wild curls blew behind her shoulders as the gentle wind hit her. Her coffee brown skin  glowed as the afternoon sun hit her: making her eyes appear as an Carmel color. Her large plump lips curled into a small smile. She wore a tight grey dress that showed off her curvy body which made my mouth water just looking at her. An angel.

I noticed the mark on her neck is gone.

"Leaving your mate is bad." I sang back with a smirk before taking another whiff of the cancerous stick making her roll her eyes.

"Fine, I'll leave again then." She shrugged and turned around and her gold heels clicked against the cement of the balcony but I grabbed her hand and we both felt an electric spark.

"Please don't leave me again, I'm sorry. I was stressed about Rogue sighting around the territory, planning this fucking party for you--"

"You planned this party, Even when you hated my guts?"she whispered in shock
making me nod

"Yeah, I'm really proud of you. I barely graduate high school, I can't even imagine graduating college. And I don't hate your guts: I love your cute ass so much." I claimed grabbing her and smashing my lips onto hers, she pulled me closer to her and
deepened the kiss.

"You drink?" I gasped pulling away tasting
alcohol on her lips.

"Yeah only half a bottle." She shrugged casually and my jaw dropped


"Yeah, I'm not that drunk right now. It takes a lot for me to get drunk, have you seen Lea thought!" She exclaimed throwing her head
back in laughter

I rolled my eyes and took another swig before speaking "Yeah I saw her in that tree
, oh look she's on the
ground crying now."

Lea laid on the grass clutching her bleeding knee as Chris held her in his arms. I chuckled at them and throwing the cigarette in the ash tray and lit another one. "You looked cute at graduation,
I took lots of pictures."

"You were there?!?"

"Yeah, but I hid in the back. I was scared that you were going to stab me if you saw me." I nodded making her giggle

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