12; smut

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Shiloh Paige;


"You got this." August reminded me for the hundredth time and hugging
me tightly,

"What about me?"  Chris whined at his older brother from the backseat making me giggle: august glared at him before rolling his eyes.

"Go to your mate for that, did you even study for the test anyways?"

Chris nodded, "yeah last night then Lea walked into my room with a tight dress and--"

"Okay lets go, bye babe." I smiled pecking his lips and opening the car door but he grabs my wrist softly pulling me back;

"What kind of kiss was that?"
I shake my head and grabbing his faces and kissing him passionately, he bit my lip softly and pulled me closer to him from the passenger seat. I ran my hands through his chocolate locks making him groan. Chris slammed the car door shut making me pull away from the addicting kiss,

"Come on Shiloh, we are going to be late. You can ride his dick after you finish the test" Chris mocked me making me blush and nod. I pecked his cheek before getting out of the car, looking back at him before walking with the beta.

I feel my phone buzz, I take it out of
my pocket to check it.

August 🌹:
Good luck baby girl, we can get burritos and tacos after your test

"Aww how disgusting." Chris mentioned glancing at my phone making me snap
at him jokingly

"Okay at least we don't make out at the dinner table like you and Lea."

"I'm glad you
enjoyed the show."

"I hate you so much."


I hear our bedroom door open slowly making me stir a little in my light sleep, I recognize
the smell was August. I now realized all I really do now is study, sleep, and eat.

August sits on the bed making it shift from the added weight, he moved the hair out my face and kissed my forehead making groan:why can't he let me sleep for once.

"Lea threatened me to let me go to the mall with her, so you guys can get clothes for your Luna welcoming tomorrow." He whispered softly, my eyes fluttering open to reveal his Carmel orbs looking back at me.


I felt this lust overcome my body, I grabbed his face and pulled him close to me. His eyes widened at the sudden movement, i had abnormal strength for a second and pulled him on the bed next to me and straddle him before he could do anything. I straddled his waist and leaned down and began kissing his neck softly and gently nibbling on his neck; hearing him gulp earning a
small smile from me.

"Are you Shiloh? Like I'm not complaining or anything like I'm--" He stopped talking once I pulled my shirt off revealing my red bra and throwing it behind me: his eyes grew in amazement like
a kid in a candy shop.

[Smut: so I better not get any emails from parents about nothing lmao, you're reading this at your own risk]

"Fuck this shirt." He growled when I slowly started unbuttoning and then ripped the
black button in shreds

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