6; unbreakable

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Shiloh Paige;


"You really need to stop smoking."

August turned to me, smoke pooling out of his mouth into the air surrounding him. I leaned against the balcony door watching as the sunset glowed right in front of him making his skin shine and his eyes became
a beautiful light brown.

"I'll stop when you stop being so beautiful." He objected with a small smile making me glare at him, uncrossing my arms and walking up to the railing of the balcony next to him. He threw his arms around me while talking
another drag of the cigarette;

 He threw his arms around me while talking another drag of the cigarette;

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It hurt me so much to see him smoking;

"Give me one. I want to try."

"Hell no!" He shouted throwing his arm away from me quickly looking at me like I was crazy

"You obviously don't care if you smoke, why should you care if I smoke?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, my plan is working.

"Because I don't want you to die of lung cancer, baby girl." August whispered hugging me close to him while kissing the top of my head, "I would never forgive myself."

"Do you think I want you to?"

He thought before letting out a long sigh, he placed the lit cigarette into the ash tray.

"Thank you." I whispered into his grey sweatshirt making him smile and push my curls off my shoulder

"I'll try for you." He replied looking down at me before placing a soft kiss on my lips, I pulled his down more making him growl softly--enlacing my fingers through his chocolate locks. He grabbed my hips pulling
me closer to him.

"August! What on earth are you doing?!" I heard a deep male voice holler from below

I slowly pull away from his lips to see an older man, maybe in his mid-40s: he had blonde comb over hair, a few hard lines on his forehead and around his lips, his thin pink lips were pulled in a straight line, and had these mocha eyes that had flames over anger in them that reminded me of August's eyes.

"Oh hey dad." He croaked out awkwardly looking down from his room
balcony at the man.

"Get your ass into my office." The man ordered making him nod quickly; he glared at me like I was dirt on the bottom of his shoe.

"Sorry that's my dad." He said pulling my hand gently into the room and closing the door behind us. I sat on his bed looking at him,

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