19; identity

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Shiloh Paige;

"Black or Red?"

"Black." Chris answered taking the black sharpie from my hand and uncapped it then began to sign the grey cast on my right leg: that was filled with other signatures from pack members.

"Hey! I told you to not draw a dick!" I hissed slapping his bicep fuming with anger
once I looked down.

"It's actually a pretty good drawing though." I nodded my head in satisfaction making the beta beam instantly

"Can you get me food?" I asked turning to Lea who was sitting next to me on the couch, playing 8-ball with someone.

"Bitch I'm not your slave." She scoffed making me roll my eyes and stand on my right foot but was pushed down from someone behind me.

I turn around to see a sweaty august with workout clothes on. Damn.

"Nope, you aren't hobbling to the kitchen. I'll get you something." He glared at Lea before
walking to the kitchen.

"I'm going to beat his ass, he keeps looking at me like that." She mumbled as she continued
on her iPhone

"Thanks for signing my cast Danny!"

His green eyes light up, he let out a little squeal before running away. I looked down to see all of the cast was filled with drawings and signatures.

"Here." August placed the plate of eggs and sausage on my lap making me smile and peck him lips before shoving the food into my mouth.

"How long are you on crutches for?" Lea asked looking up from her phone

"Six to eight weeks."

"Damn that means we can't go to the strip club. I'll just order them to come here."

August's face turned and his fist tightened, "You're lucky she won't let me kick
you out of this pack."

She rolled her chocolate eyes,
"Love you too, Wolfie."

He was about to snap at her but quickly shut his mouth. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, he bent down and whispered in my ear:"I'll be back don't go anywhere; I need to take a shower."

I nod and watch as he walked away, I placed the empty plate on the coffee table in front of me. I stand up and adjust the crutches so their under my arms;

"Where are you going?" Chris asked making me turn to peer at him, he sipped his protein shake suspiciously at me.

"To the bathroom."

"To do what?"

"To take a shit." I replied before walking away with my crutches making it echo through the living room. I walk all the way past the bathroom and open the door to the front of the pack house. I sat on the porch watching the  rain pelt the earth, I pulled the cigarette out of my bra and
the lighter out of my shoe.

I light the cigarette and brought it up to my lips before inhaling and then exhaling the cancerous smoke: calm. It felt so calming to be alone and listening to the rain, I took another drag and placed my head into my hands.

I felt something or someone looking at me; I picked my head up and saw a brown wolf appear in front of me. The same one from yesterday.

"You were the one who saved my life, Who are you?" I whispered looking into his large mocha eyes that
just started blankly at me as if he was
trying to read me.

He stared at the lit cigarette between my fingers, I smiled weakly while shrugging my shoulders:
" Yeah, it's Addicting."

He squinted his eyes at me then bent down and sniffed my grey cast and whimpered,
"It's broken, but I'm fine because of you.
Thank you so much."

The wolf just nodded making his brown fur shake, "Please who are you? Can you please shift back."

He looked like he was thinking about it:
not sure what to do. He suddenly stiffened before bolting away into the rain, he ran into the thick forest of trees.

"Wait!" I screamed standing up but it
was too late, he was gone.

"Shiloh I told you not to leave! You're going to get sick out here--are you smoking?!" August boomed making me flinch, he grabbed it and threw it on the cement before stomping on
it with his sneaker.

"I told you, it was an only one time thing." He huffed sternly making me scoff and cross my arms

"You smoke all the time!"

He just squinted his eyes at me before picking me up bridal style and holding the crutches as well. I just sighed and leaned my head against his chest.
"I'm sorry it's just that I hate being on crutches--
not being able to do anything."

"It's okay." He replied kissing my forehead and he sat me down on the couch next to Chris who had lea sleeping on his chest. 

An animated movie was playing on the large TV in front of us. He placed the crutches down next to me before pulling a blanket over the both of us,


He hummed in response;

"I saw him again, the brown wolf."

; 1,126 words

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