10; wife me up

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Shiloh Paige;


"Hey babe, how was class?"

I smile to see August walk into our room, his white button up was half way unbuttoned and his grey tie was loose around his neck.Damn.

"Hey it's was good, but we have a test tomorrow." I replied watching as he walk towards me and giving me a long passionate kiss
making me blush,

"When are you going to introduce me to the pack? They always look at me and every time I walk back their conversations just stop and they just stare." I stated tucking a curl behind me ear, making him instantly beam .

"I was just about to bring that up, I scheduled a huge party for you tomorrow night." He sang flopping on our bed making me just shake my head and turn back to my textbook in front of me.

"How was the meeting?"

He sighed still looking up at the ceiling, "I don't know: all I could think about was you the whole time. Your beautiful melanin, perfect smile, your curls that smell really good--"

"Okay lover boy, I get it." I chuckled turning back around to see him with a bright smile on his handsome face.

"Let's go on a date."


"Yeah, me and you. I'll get an reservation at a restaurant--"

I bite my lip nervously, "I have to really study for this test tomorrow, how am I suppose to keep my A in that class?"

August shrugged sitting up, "Cheat, that's what I did in high school."

I glared at him, "I'm sorry maybe some other day,
I promise."

He huffed like a little kid before sliding off the bed, he threw his arms around my shoulders and resting his head on mine looking down at my organic chemist book. He picked his head and leaned forward to get a better look, his scent made
me melt instantly.

"What the hell is this? Are these GTA cheat codes?" He furrowed his eyebrows together making me giggle, he's so cute.

"They are formulas and configurations of the elements." I answered making him
groan quietly.

"Just looking at this gave me a headache." Then his phone began to ring making him sigh and shove his hand in his pant pocket and pulling out his buzzing phone before putting it up to his ear.

"What's up. Okay I'll be there soon."
He hung up before kissing me on the cheek, "A rogue came and they need me."

"Okay, love you."


"I'm going to kill my self." I groan pulling the roots of my hair in frustration, placing my head down on the cold desk groaning.

"Shiloh, there is food downstairs." I hear Lea mutter from the door way,

"I'm too busy to eat."

"How are you going to stay thick?" She giggled but I still didn't pick up my head to
look at her,


I heard her sigh, then another pair of footsteps making me pick my head up to see Lea whispering to Chris. But what really caught my eye was his hand that was rubbing her hip.
Lea never let a guy touch her, unless she
was close to him.

"Is there something you guys forgot to tell me?" I added connecting the dots finally.

"No." "Yes." They both said at the same time making them both glare at each other

"Cough it up."

"We are mates." Chris smiled hugging the ebony girl close to him making her blush.

"Okay, I approve."I simply said making Lea's squeal before jumping up, grabbing his face and smashing her lips to his--beginning to make out in the
middle of my room.

I coughed awkwardly, "Can you guys do that somewhere please, no offense though."

They just backed out of the room and closed the door behind them, I'll just take a quick nap then
I'll study more.

I shuffled towards the bed and instantly knocked out as soon as I hit the pillow.


"Shiloh wake up." I hear august mutter while kissing my neck gingerly, my eyes fluttered open to see many white balloons scattered floating
around our room.

In his hand was an In-N-Out bag and two milkshakes and 2 pairs of fuzzy socks, my heart flutter. This guy better wife
my ass up.

"Is this for me." I asked in awe, a huge
smile on my face.

He nodded, "yeah since we couldn't have our first date, I brought the date to you. I'm sorry I don't know what you wanted so,
I got what I like."

I squealed tackling him back on the bed with me, I straddled his waist and started showering him with kisses making chuckle and place
his hands on my hips.

"Thank you so much,
you are the best."

"I know."

;889 words
it's really short, sorry I've been
really busy lately .

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