30; guilt trip

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Shiloh Paige;

Flash forward

"Trust me Mr. Clark, there is no monster in your stomach. The reason why you've been going to the bathroom so much is because of a case of food poisoning. That was also account for you constant vomiting."

"Are you sure can you cut me down the middle of my stomach? You know what I'll do it myself just give me--"

I shook my head while placing the wooden clipboard down on the hospital bed, "Yeah I can't do that, I'm going to prescribe you a medication: so you can go down to the pharmacy to pick it up."

He just sighed and nodded while placing his jacket back on, "Thanks doc have a nice day."

"You too, hope you feel better." I smiled as I walked out of the door into the busy hallway. I let out a breathe of relief as I glanced at my watch to see my shift was over.

"How's the baby doing? Is he giving you any trouble?" Yolanda smiled placing her hands on the sides of my small bump making me giggle

"Surprisingly not--he's actually calm for once. He gets his craziness from his father. So are you coming to the wedding?"

"Of course! I just need to make sure to get my outfit ready for your big day. I can't believe he proposed to you on your vacation to Cuba: I'm so jealous of you. You're a lucky girl Shiloh."  She said making me blush and shake my head.

"He's a lucky man, like he's blessed with me."  I jokingly said making her burst out laughing.

"You're crazy, but I'll see you tomorrow." She responded hugging me before
walking down the hall.

My phone in my bag began to ring and I quickly took it out to see it was August calling me.
"Hey what's up babe--"

"Is he okay?? Are you okay do you need me to pick you up?"  He frantically said making me sigh and roll my eyes.

"Yeah of course he's fine, my feet and back are just killing me--"

"Oh my moon goddess, good think I'm driving you home. I'm downstairs in the lobby."

I pressed the elevator button and walked in, "what about my car!"

"Fuck it you can get it tomorrow." He replied. The doors opened and I saw him standing right in front of the elevator.

"How'd you know which one I was in?" I furrowed my eyebrows together
with a small smile.

"Don't worry about it. Shiloh you need to stop working right now until he's born! You look exhausted--"

I walked past him and outside of the hospital into the warm summer night, "I always look
like this." I said and glared at him.

He doesn't say anything and scoop me up into his arms making me squeal in shock. "August put me down im like 400 pounds! I'm going to break your arms."

He chuckled and pressed a soft kiss onto my lips leaving chills through out my body, "you're not heavy, you're still really small Shiloh."

He pretended to drop me making me screaming and he roars into laughter. I hit him in the chest which didn't even affect him. He walked to our car and carefully placed me into the car.
"I really hate you." I muttered placing my seat belt on

"I love you too." He smiled kissing my cheek making me smile. I love this idiot so much.

He came to the other side and sat in the driver seat and quickly started the car then
began our way home.

"I'm so fat August." I whispered rubbing my pregnant 4 months stomach

"You're pregnant Shiloh, not fat. How many times do I have to say that." He grumbled stopping at the red light.

"Like a million times. Can we get food."

He sighed, "Shiloh I'm tired--" he stopped once he saw my eyes begin to fill with tears.

"Tired of Donald trump's bullshit. Here let's get Wendy's baby." He continued turning into the drive thru making me smile big.

"The usual for Luna Shiloh?" The woman asked making me giggle in embarrassment

"Yes thank you." August chuckled.

"Your total is $29.23, first window please."


"You're going to get crumbs on the bed Shiloh!!" August groaned coming out of the bathroom without a shirt and just sweat shorts.

"Too late." I muttered shoving a nugget into my mouth making him sigh. "I can go sleep in the other room on the uncomfortable beds, since you know you got me this special mattress from Germany but I can't use it tonight. It's fine."
Guilt trip him :)

I grabbed my bags of food and was about to get off then bed but August grabbed me gently and pulled me back on. "No,No,No I'm kidding please stay."

"Okay since you insisted." I smiled sneakily eating another nugget and opened
my second burger.

"You drive me crazy." He muttered kissing my neck making me giggle.

"You do the same to me Auggie." I replied kissing his cheek

"I hate when you call me that." He growled turning on the TV. He stuck his hand in the bag and began to much on my
fries but I didn't mind this time.

"How's he doing?" He asked rubbing his thumb on the skin of my stomach

"Good, he likes the food."!

I hear a knock on my door, "come in."
The door opens and Lea and Chris pop their heads out with small smirks on their faces.
What do they want now?

"We smelt food."

; 1,011 words

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