Lana is Queen - Stucky

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Steve couldn't help feeling like something was off when he came back to his apartment after going to the store. He'd left Bucky asleep on the couch and he hadn't really expected him to not be there when he got back; he'd only been gone ten minutes. Setting the bags on the counter in the kitchen, Steve started a search for Bucky.
The bathroom and kitchen were empty so he headed down the hall that held the laundry room and bedroom. He stopped outside the laundry because he heard music coming from the bedroom. Music? It sounded oddly like the 'oldies' music Steve usually listened to but he knew it wasn't. He'd have heard this tune before if it was. So Steve walked to the bedroom door and paused. He could hear the lyrics now and raised his brows.

They say I'm too young to love you
I don't know what I need
They think I don't understand
the freedom land
of the Seventies...

Steve recognized the voice because Nat had showed him Lana Del Rey once when he asked her what she was listening to. But there was another voice, deeper and gravelly, but sweet. The voice sounded awfully familiar and he listened closer.

I think I'm too cool to know ya
You say I'm like the ice, I freeze
I'm churning out novels like
beat poetry
on a fitted knee

Steve marveled at the second voice, liking it quite a bit. Then there was a vocalization and Steve's heart squeezed. He opened the door quietly to see Bucky sprawled out on their bed, a dark pink flower crown on his head and their record player playing next to him. That's where Lana was coming from. Steve vaguely wondered where Bucky had gotten the record and the crown, but he stopped when the lyrics started up again and Steve saw the second voice was Bucky crooning along. Steve's jaw dropped. He'd never heard Bucky sing before and he instantly decided he wanted to hear it much more often. So he opened the door all the way and Bucky sat up, yanking the flower crown off with his metal hand and blushing furiously.
Steve cocked a brow. "I didn't know you sang," Steve said, ignoring the small action. "I don't, not really," Bucky replied and picked up the needle from the record so he could turn it off. "You should, love. And I like the flowers," Steve said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Bucky's now red cheek.
As he walked out, he saw the Urban Outfitters bag next to the bed and smiled. (Steve had dragged Bucky there for clothes and Bucky must've bought the record and flowers while Steve looked around.) Bucky bit his lip and waited until Steve was down the hall to put them back on.

AN: HELLO PEOPLE OF EARTH AND BEYOND! This is my new Cherik and Stucky oneshots book and I am hella hype. Also, this story is based on a head canon I have that Bucky likes grunge music like Lana and Melanie (who are both queen holla) and didn't mind wearing flower crowns because they look good with his long hair. (Also, Nat bought him the record. He got the crown by himself when Steve took him to UO.) Also hOW GREAT IS BUCKY SINGING BECAUSE UGH. In my mind, his voice is like a deeper, gravelly Troye Sivan. (Who he also likes) I want Bucky to sing liKE ALL THE TIME FR. Anyway, I hope you liked it and there will be more so I will see you guys next chapter :*.

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