Someone Like You - Cherik

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Soundtrack: Someone Like You - Adele

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now

Charles stared at the door and gulped hard. This was a terrible idea. He shouldn't do this, but for some reason he had to. He had to see Erik again, even if it was only this way. "Welcome, Professor," Cerebro's electronic voice greeted him and he wheeled inside silently, his hands clenched to keep from shaking. It had been a while since he actively looked up anyone in Cerebro and he always felt like he was prying when he did but he'd been dreaming of the metal bender for weeks now and it was starting to worry him.
He put on the helmet and turned the necessary knobs to turn it on. It whirred to life and Charles was, even now, shocked by the volume of voices that suddenly assaulted him. He moved past those with a practiced ease and started searching for the voice he needed to hear.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back
or hide from the light.

With some searching, he lighted upon the familiar rumble of Erik's thoughts.
He was alone, in a home that he no doubt purchased as a safe house for his family, if the spaciousness told him anything. He was sitting in the living room, staring blankly at a television that wasn't on, thinking rather loudly (as he was so prone to do).
Why didn't I protect them?
How was I bent so easily to another's will?
How could I have sunk so low?
Then it was silent in Erik's mind.
Charles so wanted to reassure him but he couldn't have Erik knowing that he was spying on him.
Then Erik spoke aloud, "I know you're there, Charles. Checking up on me, are you?"
"You always were perceptive. Hello, old friend," Charles replied softly aloud and saw Erik smile faintly. "Was I thinking too loudly again?"
"Not particularly. It's been a while," Charles started and Erik smiled sadly. "You know, there's this invention called a telephone. You really should try it," he replied sarcastically and Charles smiled softly himself. "I had a feeling that you weren't in the Yellow Pages. How are you?" Erik shifted in his seat and stretched a long arm across the back of his sofa. "I'm fine. And yourself?"
"I'm doing well. The school is doing well. New students almost every day. You should come visit. You did have a hand in rebuilding it. You should see how well it's doing." Erik chuckled humorlessly. "I don't think I would be welcome, after all I've done."
"Nonsense. You're always welcome here, old friend. You did help save us, in the end. That counts for something." Erik shook his head. "It'd be better if I stayed away. Have you talked to Peter?" Erik asked suddenly, remembering. Peter had told Erik that he was his father shortly before Erik left the school and the two tried to stay in contact as best as they could. "Yes, I had him in class just yesterday. He's doing fine, Erik. He wishes he could see you more, however," Charles threw in, which was the truth but it was more to convince Erik to come visit. Charles sincerely missed him and it had been far too long, in his opinion. Erik was quiet, chewing that thought. "Maybe I should drop by. See the boy," Erik said softly, thinking aloud. Charles fought jumping on the thought and kept his composure. "It would be good for him. He's fast growing up, Erik. He misses you." So do I, Charles thought quietly and Erik smiled. "I miss you too, Charles, if we're being honest." Charles gulped. He hadn't meant for that to be sent to Erik. "I'll be stopping by, soon, for sure. This is the first I'm hearing that you miss me. I'm touched," he teased lightly and Charles was glad that Erik couldn't see him blush. "As you should be," Charles leveled back, a smile in his voice. "Is that why you wanted me to stay?" Erik asked boldly and Charles chewed his lip in thought. "I can hear you biting your lip, Charles. Bad habit," he chided and Charles released it with a small gasp. He forgot sometimes just how well Erik knew him. "I know. And partly, yes. You'd make a good teacher. And Peter certainly wants you around," Charles continued but he could sense that Erik wasn't listening to the last parts. "You could've told me," Erik replied and Charles shook his head. He couldn't tell Erik that. Not when it meant telling Erik something else.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
but I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
that for me, it isn't over

"What else, Charles?" Erik sat forward in his seat, elbows on his knees, suddenly very interested. Then Charles jolted as he heard Erik's underlying thoughts, 'Does he mean what I think he means? Is it possible he feels the same?' "What do you mean, 'feel the same', Erik?" Charles leveled back, trying not to breathe hard. His heart was thundering at the prospect of what that phrase could mean and the hopes he'd long since buried came crawling from their graves. Erik visibly gulped. "There I go, thinking too loud again," he joked and Charles pressed, "What do you mean?" The metal bender's head dropped and he shook his head with a laugh. "You're the telepath. You tell me." Then Erik's mind opened for him and Charles gasped with wide eyes as Erik's thoughts about Charles came pouring out.

You know how the time flys
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
we were born and raised in a summer haze
bound by the surprise of our glory days

Tears came as Erik recalled every look Charles had given him and he followed the journey Erik took, every step of the way unquestioningly loving Charles. Recalling Cuba hurt, the thoughts that ran through Erik's mind under that blasted helmet; 'Please tell me you will stay,' 'I need you to tell me that you forgive me,' 'I can't stay, please don't hate me,' 'I need you in my life, but if you want me gone, I will leave.' All of it hurt Charles almost more than he could bear. However, recalling the simple life he had with his wife and daughter hurt even more. He truly had loved them.

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you two
don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said, "Sometimes it lasts, in love,
but sometimes it hurts instead."

"Erik," Charles croaked out, staring at the image of Erik stooped over on his sofa in shock, one last tear falling. "All this time?" Erik nodded, not looking up, and said, "That is what I meant. Satisfied?" Erik seemed to tense up, like he was expecting something. "God yes," Charles breathed and sent him as much of the happiness and relief he felt as he could, as well as all the feelings he'd buried over the years. Erik's head rose suddenly as he received it and looked more shocked than the telepath had ever seen him. His eyes moved back and forth unconsciously as he sorted through all that Charles was feeling. "You... you too?" Charles let himself laugh and he nodded. "Yes. All this time," he repeated his own words. Erik laughed softly in shock and leaned back, dragging a hand down one side of his face, smiling like a madman. "Mein Gott, I've been a fool." Suddenly he was up, frantically running around and tossing things into a bag. "Erik, what are you doing?" Charles asked, confusion evident in his voice. "Isn't it obvious? I'm packing. I'll be there as soon as I can be." The telepath felt his heart jumping in his chest at the prospect of seeing Erik, very soon, after what had just happened. He grinned. "Then I'll leave you to it."
Erik paused and called out, "Wait." Charles paused as well, face crinkling slightly. "Even if you aren't physically here, I want to say this." Charles nodded and said, "Go on."
The metal bender took a deep breath and said, "I love you. Gott, that feels good to finally say. I love you, Charles." Charles grinned madly to hear it and bit his lip. "And I you, Erik. Now pack. I'll see you soon, yes?"
"Very soon," Erik emphasized and they bid farewell as Erik went about again, moving from room to room, packing like it was the only thing keeping him alive.
The link was severed as Charles pulled the helmet off and set it on its peg. He settled back, face in his hands as he laughed, not quite believing what had just happened.
Once he gathered himself, he wheeled himself out of the chamber, projecting to Hank and the others that they would be having a guest.

AN: I'm crying ugh
It's just the right mix of happy and angsty this is so great
This came to me when I listened to this particular song and realized just how Cherik it was so, obviously, I had to write a oneshot about it.
I hope you enjoyed it lovelies.

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