Bad Day - Cherik

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Charles was in the kitchen when he heard the front door open and close. He heard a coat get tossed onto the floor and shoes get shed so he knew enough to assume it was Erik. He turned from the sink and called, "Hey, babe, how was wor- HOLY HELL WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?"
When he turned to see Erik, he was standing in the doorway, soaking wet, covered in flour and honey, grass in his hair, and a pine cone stuck to his face. "I'm having what some would call a Bad Day."
Charles crossed the floor to Erik and pulled the pine cone off gently. "Well, you can tell me all about it while we get you cleaned up."

"...then I fell in the bushes in front of the client. I've never been so embarrassed in my life," Erik finished the long story as Charles got the last of the grass out of his husband's hair. "I'm sure they didn't care, love. That dog knocked into you, what could you do?"
"At least I could've held onto the bags."
"Most of the flour went on you anyway, don't worry about it."
"I shouldn't have grabbed that stupid hose."
"Let's just forget about it, okay?" Charles pressed a kiss to Erik's temple, and drew back to pull a blade of grass off his lips.
"Guess I missed some." Erik smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, liebling."

AN: this is short and absolute shit but still cute so whateves
but i would have paid to have been there for Erik's 'bad day'. Just him in the bushes would've made my life. FR tho

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