But He's Cute - Stucky

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*B finds a dog on the way to A's apartment*

"Bucky, what is this?"
The brunette smiled sheepishly and scratched the Husky in question between the ears. "I found him on the way here. Isn't he great? He doesn't have tags or anything, I already checked," Bucky explained as Steve looked between him and the dog. "He's a stray?"
"Uh huh."
Bucky dropped to one knee and gave the dog a good scratch down his back which he rewarded for with a slobbery kiss on his cheek that made Bucky laugh.

Steve looked between the two again and his heart melted. Bucky had always wanted a dog back in the day and it was obvious that Bucky'd fallen in love with this one. He already knew there was no way he'd be able to part them. The way Bucky laughed when the dog licked him was enough to sell Steve on him.

"You know we'll have to get his shots and tags and all that, right?"
"Of course, Steve. I know what comes with having a dog. I did the research." Steve cocked a brow at that and Bucky looked sheepish. "I may or may not have been reading up on it so I could convince you to adopt one. But this is perfect, and we'll be saving him from the dog catchers, you know." The brunette made a show of showing Steve the dog's face. "And he's cute. Look at him."
As much as Steve wanted to be the Responsible Adult in this situation, he broke when both Bucky and the dog gave him puppy eyes. "Can we keep him, please, Stevie?" Bucky even pouted and Steve sighed dramatically. "Fine, we can keep him, but you're-"
"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" Bucky yelled happily and hugged Steve hard enough to crush a normal person and Steve returned it.

God in heaven, what had he started?

AN: Hai everyone! I've been writing Cherik like mad lately and I decided that this is both a Cherik and a Stucky oneshot book, so I need to put Stucky in here too. Besides, I've been wanting to write this prompt for a while and it's as sickeningly cute as I thought it would be. But that's why I'm here, ya know? So please let me know what you think because I love all your comments and such. Til next time!

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