Why'd You Bring Us To The Expensive Store? - Stucky

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*Grocery shopping*

Steve often forgets how different the time he came from is from where he is now. However, doing the shopping always reminds him.
This time, on the other hand, Bucky was with him to remind him.

The blonde looked up suddenly and saw Bucky wasn't next to him. Taking off, he called out, "Buck?" and followed the "Here!" to where Bucky stood; the cereal aisle.
"C'mere, c'mere, c'mere." Bucky beckoned him over with three rapid finger curls and Steve cautiously went to his boyfriend's side before asking, "What's up?"
"Look. Okay, a box of cereal, right? Nothing special about it. How much do you think this is?" Bucky held up a box of Lucky Charms. "Um, I dunno, fifteen cent? Maybe more?" Bucky nodded. "That's what I thought, too. Check the price." Bucky pointed to the taped price indicator and Steve read it. "$2.56 for a box of cereal?"
"I know! I could've taken you out for dinner with all the fixings for that. How is this," he pointed to the box, "Equal to a full dinner? All it is is bran and marshmallows. Wait." Bucky paused, waving a finger in thought before touching it to his chin. "Maybe that's it. The marshmallows make it more. Let's get some without."

"Oh my god. $15 for a shirt? Does it have gold on it or something?"
"It must have. I paid $6 for my best shirt, so it has to have something special about it."
"It's just a cotton shirt though, I don't see it anywhere."
"Maybe it's weaved into the fabric."
"They can do that now?"

As they walked out of Walmart with their shopping done, Bucky looked over his shoulder at Steve. "Why'd you take us to the expensive store? Being around Stark make you too good for penny candy?"
"I thought this was the cheap store! That's what Nat told me."
"Well, Natalia's always had a taste for nice things."
Steve just shook his head and helped Bucky load their groceries into the back of Steve's car.

THE MARSHMALLOWS THING KILLED ME AND STEVE BEING ALL "Yeah, we don't need marshmallows for as much extra it costs."
I saw a tumblr post about a slice of life thing where Steve just flips over the prices so I put the Brooklyn Babes together to postulate as to why it's so expensive.
Anyway, this wasn't a prompt but I had to because just LOOK HOW CUTE.
So see you beans next part!

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