Hey Love - Cherik

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*B always flirts with A and A thinks it's a joke but B is serious*

"Hey, love. What are you doing?"
Erik glanced up from the book he was reading and saw Charles grinning down at him. He fought rolling his eyes. Charles always did this. "Charles, what did I tell you about calling me love?" The telepath grinned. "Not to unless I mean it. But I always mean it, love," Charles wagged his eyebrows and Erik groaned out a laugh. "How am I supposed to take you seriously when you're always joking around, old friend?"
Charles's smile dimmed slightly and he shook it off as he settled in next to Erik on the couch.
'I'm not joking. I've never joked about that,' he thought miserly and Erik's brows furrowed. 'Shit, did I project that?'
"Yes, you did, Charles. You aren't joking?" Charles bit his lip and nodded and waited for the explosion, but it never happened.
Something did, though.
Erik started laughing, hard.
"What's so funny?" Charles asked, trying not to sound hurt, but he was. "That's how you flirt? I thought the 'groovy mutation' routine was bad, but this takes the cake." Charles scowled playfully. "Oh really? And how would you flirt? The old 'come here often?' gag?"
"Not at all." Charles glanced over to see Erik looking at him. "Hey beautiful. What are you doing later?" The way Erik's eyes blazed into him and the rumble of his voice made Charles gulp hard. "N-nothing." Erik grinned. "Then you can come to dinner with me tonight?" He cocked his head at Charles with a smile. "Sure. Absolutely," The latter said quietly and Erik's smile widened. "That's how you flirt, love," Erik said and turned back to his book, leaving Charles scowling again. "That's not funny."
"Now you know how it feels," Erik said offhandedly and Charles had enough. He leaned over and took Erik's book and tossed it on the floor before getting as close to his face he could without actually touching him. "I never joked with you."
"Who says I was?" Erik asked quietly with a cocked brow. Charles bit his lip and tapped into Erik's mind just enough to see if he was joking.
'Kiss me, I dare you. Do you have the courage?' Erik projected back and Charles smirked. He breathed against Erik's mouth, "I've got the courage. Do you?"

Then they were suddenly kissing and Charles wasn't sure who moved but he didn't care. Erik's hand was at the back of Charles's head and held him there as he deepened this kiss with a sigh on Charles's behalf. The telepath moved to sit in Erik's lap and his hands moved to Charles's hips at the movement. 'Is this really happening? Does he really want me?' Charles heard Erik think, completely unguarded. "Of course I want you," Charles breathed and wound his arms around the taller man's neck. "Danke, Gott," Erik mumbled and pulled Charles even closer.
When they parted to breathe, Charles pressed his forehead against Erik's. "Still think I don't mean it, love?"
Erik replied with a huge grin, "Not on your life."

AN: translation: Danke, Gott - Thank you, God.
And my headcanon is that Erik reverts to his mother tongue when he's not thinking straight, like when you have a hot telepath kissing the life out of you.
Anyway, I'm rambling. See you guys l8r, h8ers :*

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