Babe - Cherik

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*A is a lil sunshine baby pastel bean and B is a dark punk with tats and piercings but they still go together like PB and J*

How they got together, Charles will never know. He and Erik were polar opposites and yet they got on like a house on fire. (Which Erik actually likes watching, to Charles' dismay.)
Charles likes to think of them as yin and yang. Charles is yin, the light side, literally. He wears pastel colors all the time, except when he steals Erik's black leather jacket, but Erik likes him wearing it so it doesn't matter. He's a bit more feminine but that never bothered him. He likes Melanie Martinez and stuff like her, and he has a kitten named Snuggles.
Erik is yang. Again, literally. He wears nothing but black, he has tattoos and is a textbook definition of a punk. The music Erik listens to sometimes unsettles Charles until Erik shows him the lyrics. And he will not hesitate to kill someone if they so much as look at him sideways.
The only things they have in common are that they're both gay and they're both mutants.
Erik can bend metal and control it. Charles can read minds and control them.
But that's where it ends, the common ground.
However they both care deeply for the other and Erik had asked Charles out a few months ago after being friends for a year. They keep each other out of trouble and love each other. So everyone else be damned.

Charles was walking to class while Erik was only just coming in and looking for his smol bean. Not finding him, he decided to take the path Charles always takes to his English class. On the way, Erik stops when he sees three jocks cornering his babe and he cracks his knuckles, about to fuck shit up, until he sees Charles pressing two fingers to the side of his temple like he had a migraine. However, Erik knew differently. Charles was reading their minds.
"Alright, Brock, I may be a 'fag' as you so elloquently put it, but at least I don't sodomize my neighbors' farm animals every night because you secretly think you're gay and don't know how to handle it. And Allan, you have no room to snicker," Charles says as Allan snickers from the right of Brock, who looked pale enough to see through. "You wear your sister's panties to school. Not because you 'don't have anything clean' as you usually explain it. You like wearing them and you think you look hot. You don't, sorry. But Nathan might think you do, because he's been staring at your ass at football practice since freshman year. So get your own sexualities in check before you step to me, calling me homophobic slurs. Good day, gentlemen," Charles said curtly as he broke through the dazed crowd and over to Erik, who's standing there, slack-jawed. "Babe..."
"I know. I shouldn't have shown off li-"
"Babe!" Charles stopped and Erik grinned. "That was better than any pummeling I could've given them. I'm proud of you. Let's get you to class." Charles grinned and looked down at his low-top white Converse touching the toes of Erik's ratty combat boots. Erik slung his fully tattooed arm around Charles' small shoulders and pressed a kiss to his temple as they walked off, leaving the now bickering jocks to figure out their own issues.

Also, I love pastel!Charl and punk!Erik. Then again, pastel and punk is my fave OTP trope other than twink and butch.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed sassy Charl being sassy. :*

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