Tol and Smol compilation - mixed

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AN: this is where I'm putting all the Tol and Smol prompts I have so you know they're all Tol and Smol prompts without me putting a note on every separate one, ya know?

Are You Okay - Cherik

If Charles put a dime in a jar for every single time Erik hit his head on the doorframe because he was too tall for them, he'd be a very rich man.
However, every single time Erik hit his head, Charles was torn between laughing and checking on him, so he does both.

As Charles sat in the living room with a book, he heard a thump and a cry of "Shit!" come from the kitchen. Mentally, Charles put another dime in the jar and turned in his chair. Trying not to laugh, he called, "Are you okay?"
"Did that sound okay to you, Charles?" Erik asked sarcastically as he made sure to duck through the doorway that lead into the living room from the kitchen. He was holding frozen peas to his eye and scowling in the telepath's direction. After the man flopped onto the couch next to Charles's arm chair, he said dramatically, "We really should renovate. Those doorways are going to brain me one day."
"Or we could put a sign on both sides that says 'Duck!' It would be significantly cheaper," Charles commented as he pretended to be absorbed into his book. Really, he was checking to make sure Erik truly was alright. "I suppose I'd have to hang these signs, because you're too short to reach the top of the doorframe," Erik jabbed back with a smile and was rewarded with a swat to the arm. "Hey! I'm injured here," Erik said dramatically as he adjusted the peas. "That you are. And you should know not to provoke someone who can injure you further."
Erik looked over to Charles with mock-shock. "Where did my non-violent Charles go?"
"He left when you poked fun at his height."
"You do it too!"
"Because you always seem to hit your head on something and your height is entirely to blame."
"Love you too, love."

Um, Babe? - Stucky

One thing Steve liked about being with Bucky romantically; he's really affectionate.
No matter the situation, Bucky either had a hand on his arm, or his thigh, or had his arm around him entirely.
When they were alone, Bucky was like a koala as he hung on Steve around their floor, and kisses were available no matter what was going on.

However, one thing that made Steve cock a brow was that Bucky didn't seem to like spooning with him anymore.
Whenever Steve would curl up behind Bucky, the brunette often either wiggled away entirely or turned so he was facing Steve.

One night, Bucky actually got exasperated with Steve when he did it and Steve finally broke.
"Buck, why don't you like spooning? You used to all the time," Steve asked and Bucky sighed and raked some of his hair out of his face. "The reason's stupid."
"I doubt that, babydoll." Yet again, as he always did when Steve called him that, the brunette blushed. "I don't like getting my hair in your face." Steve's brows furrowed. "What?"
"Every time you do it, you wind up with my hair in your mouth, one way or another. I don't like it." He shrugged and raked his hair back again. The blonde smiled. He'd been right; it was stupid, but Steve would never say that to him. "Well, I can solve that." Bucky raised his brows at Steve. "You be the big spoon. Problem solved." Buck smiled and Steve turned in the bed and Bucky wrapped around him they way they used to on those cold nights in Brooklyn. Steve's heart fluttered at the nostalgia and Bucky's hand found his and entwined their fingers together. The brunette settled with his face against the back of Steve's neck. "Much better," he mumbled and Steve smiled. Much better.

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