Don't Go - Stucky

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*B has to leave but before they do, A kisses them*

Steve was panicking.
Bucky was leaving. Like leaving forever. He had his bag packed and was heading to the door, after a huge argument about how Bucky was a burden on Steve and it would be better if he left.
So, yes, the Star Spangled Man with a Plan was visibly panicking.

"You can't leave, Buck! Things have been so much better since you've been here. I don't have to worry about you if you're here."
Bucky smiles sadly. "I used to think the same thing about you, believe it or not. You don't need me, punk, so I'll go. Seriously, it'll be fine."
Steve's heart clenched. He did need Bucky. More than anything. He couldn't have Bucky just... not be around.
He loved Bucky. In ways that may no longer be illegal, but might make Bucky hate him, so he kept quiet about it. And now he was leaving.

"Please, Buck, don't go." Steve practically begged and Bucky shook his head. He sighs. "It hurts too much," Bucky says vaguely and Steve broke.
"It hurts for me too! You don't get it. I need you." He strode quickly over and before he could stop himself, he caught Bucky's face between his hands and kissed him with everything he had. The brunette gasped in shock and Steve pulled away, stepping back quickly before Bucky could swing on him. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have-"

Before he could say anything further, Bucky dropped his bags and snatched Steve back to him, winding his arms around the taller man's neck and kissing him deeply. Steve gasped this time and it took him a second the comprehend that Bucky was kissing him before he responded.
Their lips moved together perfectly and Steve pulled Bucky closer by his hips, tentatively deepening the kiss. Bucky obliged, running his tongue into Steve's mouth experimentally.
Steve had never been kissed like this, ever. Aside from Nat and Sharon, he hadn't been kissed, period. And Buck certainly knew what he was doing, and he was using his knowledge to his advantage as Steve started moving, not stopping until Bucky's back hit a wall. He grunted softly from the impact and gripped Steve to him tighter, one arm moving to wind around Steve's waist. The brunette's head was tilted back to keep their lips connected and Steve liked that he was taller than Buck. He used this to his advantage and pinned Bucky securely to the wall as the brunette plundered his mouth with an ease that made Steve shiver in the best way.

Regrettably, they parted for air and Steve set his forehead against Bucky's. Both were flushed and grinning madly.
"It took me leaving to make you kiss me?" Buck asked with that famous smile of his and Steve bit his lip. "I didn't know you wanted me to."
"Of course I did. It was killing me, loving you and thinking you didn't feel the same. It was easier when I didn't know I felt this way," he admitted, taking in the blue eyes in front of him. "So..." Steve's face crinkled. "You did before? Back in the day?"
"'Course I did. Why do you think I wanted you to not pick fights? I couldn't stand you getting hurt." Steve suddenly grinned. "I liked how protective you'd get. Yet more motivation to do it." Buck shook his head at Steve, their foreheads disconnecting for a moment. "
Я люблю тебя больше, чем я мог сказать. Punk."
"Jerk," Steve mumbled and captured Bucky's mouth again.

Later, in Steve's room, Steve asked, "Does this mean you're staying?" Bucky paused running his hand through Steve's hair idly, the latter whining softly in protest. "Of course. I'll have to tell the apartment guy I changed my mind tomorrow but yes. Does this mean I don't have to stay in my room anymore?"
"Obviously. Although, if you want, we can move to your room." The brunette shook his head, resuming playing with Steve's hair. "I like yours better."

AN: translations;

Я люблю тебя больше, чем я мог сказать - I love you more than I could ever say

ugh it hurt me to not put smut there but this book is staying PG for the foreseeable future. It stays cute and fluffy with some heavy makeouts, but that's it.
Speaking of, this is super cute and fluffy with makeouts and some angst. I like it.

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