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Capítulo 4

I slowly opened the door, not prepared for anything that was about to be thrown at us. My breath was lodged in my throat, expecting something to pop out and scare the living shït out of me. But when I saw the front desk man standing there with a huge smile on his face, I blinked rapidly and quickly switched my brain to Swedish mode.

"Ja?" (Yes?)

He held up a finger, and then stepped aside to reveal a shorter, rounder woman in normal clothes. She didn't have the hotels uniform, so seeing her standing there in a white tank top and khaki shorts surprised me.

"God eftermiddag." (Good afternoon.)

Well fuck..... He found a translator.

I forced a smile on my face and greeted the lady as Ali slowly crept up behind me. I noticed her slightly tense up when the woman spoke in "our language", but she quickly hid it with a smile and left the room, nodding and repeating everything she said with, "Yes!" and "Im so sorry! Of course!" in Swedish.

I slowly closed the door behind me and slumped down against my bed, shaking my head as my memories began to shift again.

How did she get a memory? How did that show make her get a memory? Tatiana had long ago told her that by turning her into a vampire, her memories had to be erased. But she never explained why they needed to be erased. She never said if it was a side effect from the change, or if it was because she wanted to take them.

We hadn't seen her in a while actually. Once I was old enough to know what I was doing, Ali took a couple of our belongings and we escaped. I don't think she was even looking for us; I mean she was the mother of all witches, the most powerful one, so she could find us if she wanted to.....

I didn't realize my short thoughts were actually longer then I realized when the slamming of a door spooked me.

"We have to leave."

I stood up. "Already? Why?"

"Cierra wants to take us around in a tour." I was about to open my mouth and ask who she was talking about, but she beat me to it. "The translator."


"Yeah. To top it off, she wants to meet our parents." I groaned with her as she harshly yanked out clothes and undergarments from her bags. "That's why I hate having to stay in hotels. People get suspicious, and then we have to leave again." She kept on hissing as she slammed the bathroom door and I groaned again. For the second time in the span of an hour, I threw myself in the bed and buried my face on the pillows.

Gosh I sometimes hated my life!


*Dimitris' pov*

We were close.

We were so close into catching this witch, but at the last second she disappeared in her puff of smoke with a smirk.

I took out the cellphone that had only a couple of numbers programmed already into it and quickly scrolled to the one I was looking for. It didn't even ring twice before he answered with a sigh.


"She escaped from us. We were breaths away from FINALLY grabbing her and she disappeared."

Language that would make any sailor proud came from his side and I chuckled. "Dimitri, this isn't funny."

"I know Al-"

The Change (TFM Sequel/Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now